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Ayanokouji POV

I'm currently on my way to Horikita's dorm room, I wonder what she wants to talk about, she even asked me to bring Kamuro, I wonder why they don't directly interact with one another, is it because Kamuro was a former student of Class A? No, I don't think a childish reason like that would stop Horikita from interacting with her, the same goes for Kamuro, she doesn't interact with Horikita, at first, I thought it was because Kamuro had trust issues, but that didn't seem like the case since she interacts with my other classmates from time-to-time, she even went out with me along with the Ayanokouji Group last weekend, I don't sense any hostility from them, so the possibility of them hating one another is crossed out.

I felt the elevator come to a halt, it seems like I'm here, I walked out of the elevator and went towards the direction of Horikita's room, once I reached her door, I knocked, after knocking, I heard faint sounds of footsteps drawing closer, and then the door opened.

"Horikita said to come in." Surprisingly, it was Kamuro who opened the door, I told her earlier that she should go first since I had some business to attend to.

"Uhh, ok." I said as I walk in the room, how many times have I been here now? 

"Good evening Ayanokouji-kun." Horikita said, apparently, she was setting the table, so that's why she had Kamuro open the door.

"Uhh, what are we going to talk about?" I asked before sitting down.

"Sit down first Ayanokouji-kun, let's have dinner first." For some reason, I expected her to say that.

"Uhh, sure, I guess." I said as I sat down on one of the chairs. 

After a few minutes, Horikita served us food, what she served us was a Miso Nikomi Udon, and all I can say was that it smelled very good, not only that, it also had a very nice presentation, as expected of Horikita.

"You cooked this?" Kamuro asked Horikita.

"Yes, is there a problem with it?" Horikita asked.

"No, I just thought that this is something that would be served in a very expensive restaurant or something." Kamuro answered, although I haven't eaten in an expensive restaurant, I can say that it does look like something that would be priced expensively.

"I see, I'll take that as a compliment then." Horikita said. Just now, I witnessed an actual conversation between the two.

"Ayanokouji-kun, please stop staring at us." Horikita said out of nowhere, I must've stared at them for quite a long time.

"Sorry." I said.

"Anyway, shall we eat?" Horikita said.

"""Itadakimasu.""" We three said in unison.

We all ate in silence just enjoying the food, it was very delicious, if it weren't for her attitude, Horikita would be a good wife, I mean, she has beauty which is ranked high by most boys in our year, she's also smart and athletic, to the point that she could compete with other boys, she also cooks very delicious food and has a nice figure, scratch the "good wife", she's the perfect wife, again, if only she fixes her attitude, even if only by a little bit. 

I glanced at Kamuro, she seems to be enjoying the food, she has a gentler expression on her face, I wonder what it would look like if she shows a genuine smile, I mean, just like Horikita, she would often have a stern expression almost everywhere she goes, well maybe except when she's painting or doing something in her club, which she seems to certainly enjoy. 

And just now, I realized that I'm having dinner with two beautiful girls, I also realized that, if by any chance a third party were to see this, it would certainly cause a misunderstanding, not only that, if Sudo were to hear about me and his owner, Horikita, were eating the food that she cooked and in her own room, he would certainly be jealous.

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