Six Crossover!

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Ok so shout out to Delaney Dugan @maxdugan11 The Overdramatic Asexual @TheOverdramaticAsexual and Shuichi Saihara™ @Saihara1Shuichi on Pinterest. I saw their comments on a post and was inspired to write this so, thanks fellow humans!

Warning- Drinking, drunk people, panic attack, mentions of abuse and being used for your body, so basically "All You Wanna Do" +Drunk people

Modern/ Six crossover Au (also notable changes, instead of being beheaded Anne and Katie were sent out of the country)- K.Howard's Pov

This is it! Our first US tour! We started our new "Survived" US tour on the West coast and worked our way East.

We are now on our final stop on the tour, New York City. We had a couple days before the show so we could explore and hang out.

One night Annie B. thought it'd be good to go to the bar to celebrate the end of our tour. Cathy P. agreed along with Ana (of Cleves). Although Catherine (of Aragon) being the total overprotective mom that she is, advised us against it and didn't come, but promised to pick us up. I reluctantly agreed. I hated bars, alcohol, and drunk people. Normal people hit on me enough, drunk people are 10x worse.


We got there and I immediately felt vulnerable. My breathing was already getting heavier, as I clung to Boleyn's arm. I got even more nervous when I saw a group of four men rapping obviously drunk.

One man was currently stealing the show. Rapping half in French, half in English. Then another man in the group stared at me, turned red when he saw that I noticed, then started his part.

"Brrrah, brraaah! I am Hercules Mulligan

Up in it, lovin' it, yes I heard ya mother said 'Come again?'

Lock up ya daughters and horses, of course

It's hard to have intercourse over four sets of corsets!"

He called out to his now shocked friends.

Ana moved me in the direction of the bar, away from the boys.

After a while I noticed that the place we went to also did karaoke, so obviously we did that. We had decided to do my song "All You Wanna Do", which I had wrote about me realising I'm asexual after many years of men using me and abusing me for my body. However, everyone started saying things like, "All I wanna do is you", "I want to squeeze you, please you, birds and the bees you," "I can't get enough of you," "We have a.......connection," and other things from my song to hit on me. Before I could tell the girls I was uncomfortable, the man from earlier came up to me.

"Katherine?" He said softly, not appearing to be flirting with me, or even that drunk. I could tell he was familiar, but I couldn't place it. "Katherine, it's me, Hercules. Remember, you left England and-" He cut off his thought, "Wait. I just realised, you're a part of that queen group, Six, right?"

I nodded, "Hercules, is that really you?"

"Yeah. I just can't believe this! When I took you in you were poor, hurt, and broken, and now you're famous!"

"Well you helped a lot, and so did the girls!" I smiled.


I remember when I met Hercules. After the situation with Thomas, Henry banished me from the country, much like he did with Anne Boleyn. Unlike Anne, however, I went to America while she went to France.

I had arrived in America hoping to start my musical career. Unfortunately I had no money for an apartment, so I'd have to find a place to stay.

It was pouring rain outside, and I was freezing. All the hotels were full so I guessed I would have to sleep on the streets for the night. Then a man came and offered for me to stay with him. I declined knowing my past and how men had hurt me. Why would this be any different?

After talking to him for a while, underneath his umbrella, I realised he was being genuine earlier. He didn't want my body, he just wanted to be nice, so I then agreed. Little did I know that night I had made a lifelong friend.

A/N-Ok, so, sorry about that ending, I know it was awful (the whole thing was)! I tried to do my best, but I'm new to the Six fandom. Thanks for reading!

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