Secret Boyfriend- Lams- Part 2

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This isn't entirely edited, so I apologize!

Part 2 to the request by- @MadyPalm-Writer (She/her)

Warnings- Abuse, panic attack, cutting, ignoring your boyfriend, f slur, homophobia (please let me know if there are more, because this is a pretty sad one)

John's POV- Modern high school au

So, like I said, the beating got worse throughout the years. Me and Alex were still secretly together, so everything was going great!

In 9th grade he joined the debate team, and student government, which in our school was a one way ticket to popularity. He quickly became friends with Jefferson, Madison, Burr, and the Schuyler sisters, leaving me, Hercules, and Laff behind.

Well, at first he didn't really leave me. He just started sitting with the other group at lunch more often, until he never sat with us anymore. Then he ran as captain of debate team, and somehow won, so debate took over most of the times he would hang out with the three of us together. Luckily, Saturdays were still open, so we'd have our normal secretive dates then.

About halfway through the year, my mother died. This sent my father into an even worse state than before. He would often forget to make dinner for me and my sister, so I would do that, on top of the chores I had before. He would get mad at Mary for not cooking, because "That's a women's job!", however, I would tell him to beat me instead of her. That apparently was "Disrespectful", so I got more. I would often have to cancel my dates with Alex, because I had to take care of my sister and do chores. I slowly started to develop depression and anxiety. I would work non-stop, because I was stressed about my sister being ok, and having a good life, then crash at midnight, crying for hours before I could calm down enough to sleep. I would call Alex during this time, hoping he could calm me down. He didn't answer 100% of the time, but at least he would most of the time. Until, Valentine's Day.

Every year there is the un-official school Valentine's Day party. It was one of the biggest events of the year. Almost all of the teachers knew about it, however they would never say anything, because it wasn't supported by the school. Every year each grade's student government leaders would work to create one Valentine's day party for each grade, plus the GSA club would host a separate one for LGBTQ+ students that didn't want to go to the actual party, in fear of homophobia and/or transphobia. I wasn't able to go, since I had to stay home with my sister.

"Are you sure Johnny?" Alex asked. "You're going to miss out on a lot of fun!"

"Alex, if I don't go, who knows what'll happen to my sister."

"Ok, fine."

"Bye Alex, love you!" I make sure no one is watching and kiss him. Instead of kissing back, he looks deep in thought. I don't say anything.

"Bye John!" He says, about to walk away. He checks his watch. "Oh sh!t! I'm late! Thomas is going to kill me!" He says before running off.

This obviously hurt, but I didn't dwell on it. I couldn't! I had too much to do. I did most of my homework on the bus, writing a quick reminder on my hand to stay up tonight and study, seeing as I am failing three out of six of my classes, which would certainly earn a harsh beating. When I got home I started sorting laundry to wash. After I get a load started, I take some chicken out to defrost before starting to wash dishes. I keep doing this for an hour, when I walk to the end of the road to pick up my sister Mary from the bus stop. After offering her a quick snack, and reminding her to do her homework, I finish up chores. Folding some laundry, taking out the trash, sweeping, vacuuming, and just picking things up around the house. After that I see I have about half an hour before our dad gets home, so I start working on dinner.

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