Lafayette x reader

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I have no clue where this inspiration came from but I have it so LET'S GOOOOO!

Warning- drunk Laff, flirting, google translate

(Y/n)'s pov- Modern au

Rrrrrring! Rrrrring! I wake up from my half asleep daze at the ringing of my phone. I pause WandaVision (my latest obsession), and grab my phone. I look at the screen the time is 11:37 at night, and the call screen says "Gilbert<3" without hesitation, I pick up.

"Hey Gilbert! What's up?"

"Salut, mon amour. Ça va?" (Hi, my love. How are you?)

"Bien, et toi?" (Good, and you)

"Fantastique, mon cher!" (Fantastic, my dear)

I could tell he was drunk already with how he slurred his words. Unfortunately, when he gets drunk, he can't think enough to speak English, and when he does, it's gibberish, and I only took one year of French in high school. 

"Alors, de qois aviez-tu besion?" I asked. (So, what did you need?)

"Oui. Je suis un peu ivre." (Yes. I am a little drunk)

After consulting google I responded, "Un peu?" (a little?)  With a slight chuckle. However that cheerful attitude didn't last long because I heard something that sounded like glass breaking. "Laff, tu es bien?" (Laff, are you good/ok)

"Oui, cherí." (Yes, sweetheart)

"Où es-tu?" (Where are you?)

"Le bar avec les garçons." (The bar with the boys)

"Ok, je serai là dans dix minutes. Restez sur place jusque-là. Bien?" I said after asking google how to say that. (Ok, I'll be there in 10 minutes. Stay put until then. Alright?)

"Ok, rendez-tu dans 10!" (Ok, see you in 10) He said and I hung up.

I grabbed a few things I might need for the car ride home, for Laff. I grabbed two bottles of water, some medicine for headaches and nausea, and a bucket just in case. Laff is very weird when he becomes drunk, he's never the same twice.  He could drink for hours, and the only difference you notice is that he is a lot slower when speaking English, however there's other times he will be throwing up after only two. So, I have to be prepared.

I grabbed the stuff and ran out to my car to go pick him up.

When I got there Eliza was already there trying to get Alex, John and Herc in her car.

"Hey 'Liza!" I smiled. "You need some help?"

She looked exhausted. She nodded, "Yes please! If you will help get these three into the car, I'll help you find Marquis."

I nodded, and tried to get everyone in. It took some convincing. I told Alex, the faster he gets in the car faster he can get home with John, all by themselves. I told John the same thing, but about Alex. Then, Herc, was just being loud and crazy, so I used a foolproof plan. 

"Hey, Herc!" I said to him. "I bet you could be in the car and ready to go before Alex and John are!" Luckily, when he is drunk, Herc is very likely to take bets and dares, and challenges, so that took care of those three. Now to find Gilbert.

I told the boys to stay in the car and wait for Eliza, while I turned and went back inside the bar to find Lafayette. Which was easier than expected. As soon as I walked in, out of nowhere someone attacked me with a hug. I was about to resist, when I realized it was my lovable Frenchman.

"Bébé, tenez!" (Baby/babe, here you are) He yelled.

"Oui, je suis là!" (Yes, I am here), I smiled. "Allez" (Come on). I grabbed his hand and helped him to my car, which was difficult, since he could hardly walk straight.

Once we got in the car I called Eliza, "Hey (Y/n)", she said.

"Hey 'Liz. I found Laf, I'm going to take him home, ok?"

"Yeah, no problem. You got the other boys in my car?"

"Yeah, they're waiting on you. Call me if you need anything!"

"Ok, thank you (Y/n)."

"No problem, bye!" With that I hung up.

We drove for a while in silence, until we made it to his house.

"Ok, Gilbert, on est là!" (Ok, Gilbert, we're here!)

"Où?" (where?)

"Ta maison." (Your house) I responded.

"Non! Je veux rentrer à la maison avec toi!" (No! I want to go home with you!) He whines.

I try to protest, but my google translate French is not as good or as fast as his native French, so I give in.

"Boire ça." I say, handing him a bottle of water. (Drink this) He surprisingly agrees. 

By the time we get beck to my house he is half asleep, and drank both bottles of water.

"Ok, Laff, allons-y," I say as I open his door. (Ok, Laff, let's go).

I manage to get him inside safely (I mean he ran into the wall a few times, but nothing major). Once we got inside I sat him down on the couch and said, "Attendez ici une seconde." (Wait here a second)

He nodded, and I left to prepare the guest bedroom for him. 

When I finished I saw he was not on the couch anymore. I looked everywhere and couldn't find him. Then I looked in my room, and there in my bed lie, a half asleep Lafayette. I go to close the door when I hear his voice.

"Mon amour, stay, sil te plaît?" (My love, stay, please)

I hesitated, thinking, then slowly nodded. I climbed into bed next to him cuddling under the covers.

"Dang! Tu es si chad, je pourrais avoir besion d'enlever ma chemise!" (Dang! you're so hot I might need to take my shirt off!) I didn't have time to translate what he said before he sat up, took off his shirt and threw it over by my dresser, but I really didn't care. It was past midnight and I was tired, so after he settled back down I cuddled up next to him again.

The next morning- Lafayette's pov

I woke up with a splitting headache.  I slowly sat up and realized that this was not my room. "Where am I?" I muttered to myself. I got up and looked around, only to realize that this is (Y/n)'s room. "Oh, merde!" (oh, crap)

I walked into through the living room into the kitchen, and saw (y/n) in the kitchen pulling cinnamon rolls out of the oven. They turned and saw me, which made me aware of multiple things at once. The fact that I wasn't wearing a shirt. The fact that my hair was a mess. The fact that I was staring at them.

"Bonjour, Sleeping Beauty! Comment ça va?" (Good morning, Sleeping Beauty! How are you?)

"Good." I responded, nervous to ask anything. 

"Let me guess, you're wondering why you're here?" They interrupt. I nod. "You got drunk last night, and called me to pick you up, so I did, but you refused to go to your house, so you came here. Then when I went to bed you were already half asleep in mine, and you wouldn't leave or let me leave so we just fell asleep next to each other. Also you called me, hold up let me remember, my love, my dear, sweetheart, baby, and hot."

I could feel my face heating up, "Did I really say all that?" They nod. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't be," They say as they step closer and give me a small peck on the lips. "Je t'aime aussi." (I love you too) They whisper as they pull away.

"I hate to ruin the moment, but is that my shirt?" I ask, pointing to the shirt they were wearing.

"Hey, you threw it onto my dresser and it was the first one I grabbed!"

"Ok," I laughed.

So there, also, please, please, please request stuff! Also if you didn't see the last chapter, my book about Lafayette and Hercules's daughter (the one I put the announcement up about), is up now, so please check it out! Thanks for reading!

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