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A/n- Who's ready to cry?! So yeah here we go! No ships in this one! This was the first fanfic I ever wrote so I hope you enjoy!

Warning- Mentions death, affairs, guns/dueling, Note- I'd recommend bringing an extra set of emotions you'll need it!

Third person-Hamiltime

John looked at his assignment, a young man, only 19 who died in a duel. He went to a nearby angel and asked him where the new kid was. He was then escorted to the gates and was shown a boy who looked very similar to himself who had just arrived.

"Hi! I'm going to show you around. How are you?" John asked politely. He knew it was a dumb question, the kid just died, of course he's not okay!

"Where am I?" The boy asked, confused.



"What's your name, son?" John tried to distract the kid.

"Philip, Philip Hamilton."

John's face lit up as he remembered his secret boyfriend, Alexander Hamilton.

"Alexander's son?"

"Yeah," Philip nodded.

"I'm an old friend of his."


"John, please," The older man smiled. "So speaking of your father, how is he?"

Philip was at a loss for words, and answered with an elegant, "Uhhhhh......"

"Philip, are you ok?" Hamilton nodded. "What's wrong with your father?"

"H-his reputation was destroyed."

"By whom?"


John was confused, but he knew Alex and this very much was like him.

"He had an affair, then paid to keep it a secret. Then some people found out, so he wrote a book about it. 96 pages, in fact." Philip elaborated.

"Alexander, what have you done?"

"You're upset? You should've seen my mother when she read it!"

"Your mom is Eliza, right?"

Philip nodded. "Even though my father did that, I tried to defend him."

"Is that how you got in that duel?"

"Yeah, George Eaker called my father a lot of things I'd prefer not to repeat, so, I challenged him."

"I dueled someone before."

"Really, why?"

"Someone offended someone I admired," John gave Philip a small smile.

"Did you win?"

"Yeah, but even though the guy didn't die, I still regret it. Dueling isn't right. I should've never done it, and you shouldn't have either." Philip looked down sadly. "Actually your father was my second."

"He dueled? No wonder he knew what to do!"

"What do you mean?"

"Dad said to aim my gun in the sky so I didn't kill Eaker. Wait.." His voice faltered, "That's how I died, by aiming in the air then getting shot by George."

"I don't know why he said that, that doesn't sound like him at all."

"What if he gets in a duel? Will he do what he told me to do, or will he know better?"

"Knowing Alex, he'll get in a duel before his time is up, but about him learning. I don't know."

Philip was looking down upset. To cheer him up John said, "Remember your Aunt Peggy?"

"Yeah, she died earlier this year."

"I can take you to go see her if you'd like!" John said.

"Yeah! Let's go!"

"Race ya!" John called as he took off.

"No fair! I wasn't ready!" Philip called behind him, chasing him off to who knows where.

A/n- So I had to edit that a bit, but how'd you like a part two? Basically it is just Philip reading a poem to John and Peggy. Well thanks for reading this!

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