Chapter 9 - I Need To

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I got home from looking at my new school that I start in September, and I immediately text Tommy.

I can come over at 6:30pm. I just wanna relax for a little bit.

Ok I'll see you then

Ok so I have a few hours to do nothing. I took a nap for an hour and then went on my phone for a while and just scrolled through tiktok, and of course my for you page was filled with Dream SMP stuff. It always was, but this time it also had a lot of tommyinit tiktoks. I started blushing and he wasn't even in the same room as me. I clicked not interested, but in reality I was interested , I just wanted all that to be off my for you page in case he was with me. I'd never recover from that embarrassment. I after awhile of going through tiktok, I went downstairs to eat dinner before going over to Tommy's, and it was Sunday which meant we were gonna go to the park tonight.(for the purpose of the story just go with it) I talked with my parents for a little bit while eating dinner, but when I finished I headed off to Tommy's house.

I normally don't text Tommy  when I'm coming over because we're really close, but when I left my house I noticed Mrs. Simmons was getting out of her car and about to walk into the house. "Hey y/n, I'm guessing your here to see Tommy?" "I am" I said with a slight smile. She let me in the house and I was about to head upstairs to Tommy's room before she stopped me, "Before you go up stairs, can I talk to you about Tommy for a minute?" "Yeah, of course." "I know you two are close, but do you like him as more then friends?" At first I was shocked but the more I thought about it, it was definitely obvious I liked him. "Well I-, I don't know. I really like spending time with him, and I always feel comfortable around him, but I don't want to ruin what we have right now, but yeah, I really like him." "You shouldn't have to worry ruining your friendship because you two seem to care about each other, and there might be another reason" "Why is that?" "I think the feeling might be mutual, if you know what I mean." Wait... does that mean...  he might like me. "I- uh-, thank you." "You can always talk to me, plus your mom may have said some things to me." She may have said something else but I was more focused on the whole Tommy situation. The next things I remember is her yellling,
"Tom-" but before she finish Tommy came stumbling down the stairs. Did he hear us talking. Please tell me he didn't. "Tommy?" He mom said. "Uhh- sorry I was going to get a Coke, hey y/n." Tommy said with a embarrassed but relieved look on his face. After a second or two, Mrs Simmons said, "You two can go upstairs and just tell me when you leave for the park." We both headed up stairs and sat on his bed when we got into his room.

Tommy POV

I was walking down the stairs to get a Coke from the fridge when I heard y/n and my mom talking, "Well I-, I don't know. I really like spending time with him, and I always feel comfortable around him, but I don't want to ruin what we have right now, but yeah, I really like him." When I heard that, a thousand things were going through my 1. She likes me back  2. My mom told her  3. We both like each other. But the only problem is she doesn't know that I know. Before I could keep thinking, I accidentally stumbled down the stairs. "Tommy?" My mom said. "Uhh- sorry I was going to get a Coke, hey y/n." I was definitely blushing a little bit, but I pushed it aside. My mom eventually said, "You two can go upstairs and just tell me when you leave for the park." Then y/n and I went upstairs to my room and sat on my bed.

AN// for part of the next chapter what POV should it be? It can be Tommy or y/n.

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