Chapter 7 - Almost There

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I didn't know how long I was there for, and I didn't care either. I check the time and it's 10:49pm. "Do you think we should go back? It's getting late." "Yeah, probably." I sit up, so I'm not lying on his shoulder anymore and look up at him so we are making eye contact, and he just smiles. Why is my stomach doing this, butterflies. Why does he make me feel this way. Why does he have to be so perfect. I could tell this wasn't just another crush I liked him. Like really really liked him. I break eye contact and start blushing as we both stand up and start heading back to our house.

As we walking back it's started getting colder, so I started shivering. Tommy noticed "Are you cold?" "Oh yeah, a little bit." He then took of his sweatshirt and gave it to me. "Take it, your cold and you live next door so you can give it back whenever." We walked back to our houses, talking to each other about the most random stuff, it didn't have any real importance, it was just nice. I made it back home, but before I could give Tommy his sweatshirt back, he had already gone inside his house.

I wanted to give it back to him, but at the same time, I wanted to keep it. It was late, so I got ready for bed. I took a shower, washed my face, and got into comfy clothes. I still put Tommy's sweatshirt back on though. It was comfortable and smelled like him, which made me love it even more. I was standing by my window checking my phone before seeing a text from Tommy

' I see you like my sweatshirt'

When I saw that I got confused, but as soon as I realized, I looked up and saw him smiling in his room.

'What can I say it's comfortable. I can give it back tomorrow though.'

'No, I want you to keep it. But uh goodnight y/n, see you tmr :)'

'Goodnight Tommy :)'

The next day was simple. Tommy and I went out and got lunch to eat. After, we went back to his house, played Minecraft, and I sat on his bed while he streamed. Normally I would just sit and watch or go on my phone, but this time was different. I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying till I heard Tommy say, "oh yea wilbur, I have a women right next to me." I immediately looked up at him. "Wilbur doesn't believe you're real" I had never showed my face or talked in one of Tommy's streams, and I've been there for about 10 of them. Tommy looks at me. "Say something." I stick my hand into frame and wave. "Hey" "see she is real." God he is so stupid. I could hear a ton of yelling coming from Tommy's headphones but I didn't think about it too much.

Tommy eventually ended stream and raided Tubbo. "How freaked out was everyone when you said there was a girl in your room?" He let out a laugh at what I said. "They didn't believe me, but women love me, so why wouldn't they be in my room?" "I doubt it." I said while laughing. "Oh fuck off" he said pushing me over. "Can we do something, like watch a movie. I'm bored." "Uh yea, sure." We went down stairs and sat on his couch getting ready to watch a movie, but before he started I got a blanket and Tommy asked me, "do you want to just spend the night here, it's not like you haven't done it before. It's just this time it's not an accident." "Yeah, I'd love to. I just need to ask my mom" I texted my mom if I could spend the night, and she said yes. Night two with Tommy, but this time I knowingly spend the night.

I watched the entire movie with my head on Tommy's shoulder and his arm around me. I didn't even question it, it was just kind of... natural. I didn't mind it, and I don't think he did either, but it was so causal too. Afterwards we went upstairs and got ready for bed. I took one of Tommy's sweatshirts and wore that. I know that they are his sweatshirts, but I love wearing them, and he doesn't care so.

We sat in his bed for awhile just going on our phones and talking, but it wasn't long before we were fast asleep, only this time he was on his back with his arm around me, and I was on my side facing towards him, with my hand on his chest. I could do this every night.

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