Chapter 1 - The Plot

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AN: If I make any spelling or grammar errors just ignore it cause I suck at that kinda stuff. This is also not gonna always sounds like something Tommy would do IRL

Moving from America to the UK was not ideal but you didn't really have a choice when you found out your parents had gotten a new job there. You had lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania your whole life, and now you have to move to Europe.
You would be moving in early July so you could get used to the UK before school started back(and hopefully make some new friends).

You were nervous for the big move cause you knew you would be leaving behind your whole life and starting fresh. It sounds fun, but that also means leaving behind friends, your house, your.. everything. You couldn't stop thinking about how you would be moving soon, and how after you finish this school year, you will never attend this school again. How you would never see your friends again. Well you might see them again, At least you hope so. Then the time came for the last day of school before the move.

How would I ever leave this place?

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