Part 13 - I want you

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Whenever I was with Tommy, sleeping was never an issue. Honestly, I feel better whenever I am with him. He brings out the best in me. This time it was different, I knew the feelings we had were mutual. Even though we hadn't talked about anything yet, that wasn't what I cared about right now. I cared that I was with Tommy in this moment, literally.

We slept facing each other with Tommy's long arms wrapped around me. I didn't move the entire night, and I couldn't tell if I didn't move because I was comfortable or because he held me so tightly. Either way, it was comforting, and I never wanted to move.(I'm sure I'd be stuck in Tommy's grasp anyway)

I slowly open my eyes to see Tommy's shirt. My head was pressed into his chest, and I could feel his heart beating and the softness of his shirt. I didn't even bother trying to move my head, so the only thing I noticed was the dim light coming from the sun starting to rise, which meant it was early in the morning.

I closed my eyes again hoping to be able to fall alseep, and I adjusted a little bit so I'd be more comfortable, but in return. Tommy moved closer to me so we were right up against each other. I small smile grew on my face.

We slept for a few more hours with barely any movement from either of us until moved around a bit and said, "Goodmorning." I shuffled in my blanket and responded with a groggy. "Hey." We pulled away from each-other to make eye contact, and when our eyes met, we both let out a small smile. Neither of us actually got out of bed, but I still managed to ask, "Do we have any plans today, Mr. Init." "I was hoping we could go get breakfast maybe." "Then it's a date."

For the next 10 minutes, we laid in bed, cuddling and enjoying each other's presence, before I got up, "I'm going back to my house, but I'll be ready in thirty minutes." I got up and before walking out his bedroom door looked back at him with a smile. "Got it, I'll be at your house in 30 minutes."

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