Chapter 6 - Can't Control the Feeling

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Tommy POV

I laid down next to her, in the bed. We couldn't decide on a movie to watch, so of course I played one of my videos instead. I  was watching the video I had made, but out of the corner of my eye I would be paying attention to Y/n. I didn't want to make it obvious, so I tried looking away, until a felt her right up against me and put her head on my chest. At first I was surprised, but I didn't want to move. I actually... really enjoyed it. I look down at her, god she was beautiful, but I could tell she was sleeping. Instead of waking her up, I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. This moment felt perfect. I had never felt better.

The next morning I had woken up at 8:43am. We were still in the position that we were in last night, her head still on my chest. Instead of just laying on her back next to me, she was now on her side, turned towards me, and her arm was now wrapped around my waist. We fit together almost perfectly. When I had woken up, Y/n was still sleeping. I didn't want to wake her up, so I didn't move. I put my head on hers and closed my eyes till she woke up.


When I had woken up, I could feel Tommy holding me. I opened my eyes just a little bit to see me basically attached to him. I started blushing, but I didn't want to move. I was so comfortable with him holding me like that. I shuffled a little bit which I think woke him up because I then heard a groggy, "morning" from Tommy. I immediately detached myself from him and sat up, blushing, "sorry, I didn't realize I had basically clung to you the entire night, let alone fall asleep in your bed." "It's fine, I didn't mind." I heard a knock on the door and hear Mrs Simmons sat, "y/n, I told your mom that you spent the night here so she wouldn't be worried." "Okay, thank you." It just hit me that I had just spent the night with Tommy. I knew I'd hang out with him later, but now I have to worry about what my mom going to say. "Tommy, I gotta go cause my mom probably wants to talk to me about how I spent the night at your house without asking, but do you wanna hang out later?" "Yea of course, tell me if she gets mad." He says it with a smirk on his face making him look even cuter, but I just roll my eyes and try not to laugh.

I walk next door, back over to my house and open the door, and I can't even get the stairs before my mom stops me and asks, "What happened?" "I'm sorry ok, I fell asleep at Tommy's last night and neither of us woke up." "Is there something going on between you two, that I don't know about? Because you are always spending time with him, just last night you both fell asleep, in the same bed may I add, and based on what Mrs Simmons said, you two were 'very' close when you were sleeping." I didn't respond right away because I thinking about what she said. If I saw us together, I might think we were dating. "Again, I'm sorry, but there is nothing going on between us. We just spend a lot of time together because I don't have any other friends here yet." "Okay. Tell me if anything is going on between you two, but just make sure you tell me of Mrs Simmons if you stay over at their house." "I will I promise." I go upstairs to my room and just lay in my bed thinking about the night before. I wish I could've stayed there for longer, just laying there. I knew that was all I was going to  think about for the rest of the day.

Later that evening I tried texting Tommy, but he never answered. I didn't have much to do because I didn't know anyone else, so I decided to go to the park because it was the only place I really knew how to get to. I finally got to the park a few minutes later and just sat on a bench looking at the just barely setting sunset. After about 10 minutes of sitting there. "Hey, Y/n." I turn around and see Tommy. "Hey what are you doing here. I tried texting you." "Oh sorry. I wasn't looking at my phone." He sat down next to me and we just watched the stars for little bit. It was a full moon, so the brightness of the moon helped me see him. "What were you doing here anyway." "I didn't have much to do, so I decided to walk here and just relax." "Well now I'm here, so don't worry." We both start laughing, and I put my head on his shoulder, and we both sit there in the most comfortable silence

AN// do you like the POV switch or should I just stick to one POV. I've also decided I'm gonna try and upload a part eve day or every other day, just depends on how I'm feeling.

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