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The next day Ashlyn Harris, Ali Krieger and Alex Morgan from the Orlando Pride arrive at Kelley and Christen's place to join them for lunch and conversation. 

Lacking the sitting capacity for the number of bodies currently in the apartment, Kelley and Emily take a spot on the floor along with Tobin and Christen. Dakota sits off to the side feeling completely out of place, surrounded by soccer players.

It doesn't take long for the conversation to become fixated on her and Kelley's, not marriage; as it's now become common knowledge around the USWNT and NWSL players as to what happened. Most of the players are in agreement that if they were to choose the most likely of the group to get married in Vegas it would have been Kelley, so they aren't overly surprised by the info or the fact that she married a complete stranger. 

It led to a rather uncomfortable discussion with Kelley and her parents when they found out from someone other than their daughter what happened in Vegas. Thankfully, Erin was able to intervene on her behalf and explain things a bit better to the 'rents before she was disowned. 

Ashlyn and Dakota hit it off like fire, talking about their mutual love of ink and life experiences, while Ali chats with Christen and Alex about fashion and the latest must-have accessories. Tobin being the chill person she is falls asleep with her head in Christen's lap while all of this is going on around her. 

Emily and Kelley seeing what is happening can't resist attempting to pull a prank on the Thorn's forward as she sleeps. 

After securing Christen's permission to prank her girlfriend, the rest of the women watch on, while Ashlyn seizes the chance to video it as Kelley takes out some whipping cream from the fridge and slowly squirts a big blob of the foam on her hand and then Emily takes over using a Kleenex and waving it over the prone player's nose. It takes only a minute before Tobin reaches us to scratch her nose and is met with the surprise attack on her face. Sitting up as the other's laugh, she zeroes in on Kelley and Emily who are completely losing it, gets up and then chases them into Kelley's bedroom, getting the white sticky substance all over them; before heading into the bathroom to clean up.

Kelley and Emily emerge from the bedroom with white in their hair and on their shirts, causing the others to laugh at the sight. Ashlyn still with her phone in hand can't resist posting the video on her Instagram for everyone to see.

Kelley: Well, that didn't go as planned.

Emily looks at her shaking her head before turning back towards the bedroom. 

Kelley follows her girlfriend into the bedroom where they both change their clothes and clean up the stray cream in the room in order to try and contain the overall damage. 

Once Tobin exits the bathroom, they get themselves washed up and then return to their friends. In the meantime, Christen and Ali being clean freaks, have already taken care of cleaning up the mess left behind in the wake of the prank.

Soon the Orlando players need to head back to their hotel and meet up with their teammates, so they get ready to leave doing so but not before Dakota and Ashlyn exchange their info.

With the departure of the Pride players, Christen and Tobin decide to head out and do some shopping, mostly Christen but Tobin being the good girlfriend she is agrees to go with her to carry her purchases.

Kelley, Emily and Dakota sit in quiet in the living room, looking at each other and all-knowing what they want to talk about, but none choosing to start the conversation until finally, Kelley breaks the silence. 

Kelley: Okay, this is like super awkward, but we need to talk about it and if we want it to happen or not. 

Emily and Dakota nod in agreement.

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