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Two days later, Kelley and Emily are subjected to the discussion and comments from their respective family members about their relationship as they enjoy a BBQ supper at the O'Hara's.

Off to the side, Kelley has her arms wrapped around Emily as they take in their families enjoying the time together.

Emily: What do you think our Moms are talking about?

Kelley: Probably how they always knew we were destined to end up together or maybe even planning our wedding, who knows.

Emily: Our wedding? God, I hope not, I don't know about you but I'm nowhere near ready to settle down or get married, yet. 

Kelley: Don't worry, I'll talk with my folks and make it very clear that there will be no further wedding discussion or planning on our behalf. Besides that, I'm in my prime right now and enjoying it; I'm not looking to settle down anytime soon.

Emily removes Kelley's arms and turns around to look at her.

Emily: KO, what exactly do you mean by not settling down anytime soon? I mean, you don't expect this to be an open relationship, right? Like when we are in season, you are free to do whatever, with whoever and then in the offseason we are together. 

Kelley: Babe, calm down, I didn't mean it like that. I simply meant that I still have some things that I want to accomplish before I listen to my bio-clock, get married and have a couple of kids. I do not see this and us as having an open relationship, nor, do I want it to be open, I want you, Em and only you. I picture my future with you.

Emily: You want us to have a couple of kids? 

Kelley: Of course, can you just imagine the shit, a couple of O'Hara's will get into?

Emily: What about a couple of Sonnett's?

Kelley: I'm not taking your last name.

Emily: I'm not taking yours.

Kelley: Maybe we should just change our last names to Sohara when the time comes.

Emily shakes her head, "Not a chance! How about we drop this conversation and enjoy the time we have together right now."

Kelly looks at her before pulling her in close, "Em?"

Emily: Yeah?

Kelley: I love you.

Their eyes meet before their lips do, separating Emily looks at Kelley and smiles. 

Emily: I love you, too.

Kelley: Look at me, what's not to love.

Emily: Your oversized ego, for one thing.

They share another kiss and hold each other, enjoying the contact as Erin makes her way over to them. 

Erin: Aww, you two are so cute together.

Kelley: We know. What are Mom and Jane talking about? They keep looking over at us.

Erin: Just how they knew that you guys would end up together and discussing how long it's going to be before one of you decides to put a ring on it.

Kelley: I think we need to set the record straight, right now, Em, before it gets any further out of hand.  

Emily: Yeah.

Kelley takes Emily's hand and they walk over towards their families before calling for their attention. "Ok, everyone gather around please, Emily and I need to talk to you all."

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