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The alarm sounds out in the darkness and Dakota reaches over to quiet the noise, before laying back on her pillow and looking over at Kelley and smiling. 

Kelley: How can you be smiling this early in the morning, or at least I think it's morning.

Dakota laughs, "It is the morning, and I need to get a move on. I was smiling because last night was fun and it's nice waking up with a beautiful woman in my bed."

Kelley: You could always stay in bed and we could have a bit more fun. 

Dakota: Unfortunately, I can't do that, I need to get dressed and head for the arena. The team practices at 6:30, and then I have classes today from 9 - 1. Are you going to be okay by yourself? Or should I call one of the girls to come and babysit you?

Kelley: I'm not a kid and I don't usually need a babysitter unless I've been drinking. Seriously though, how much trouble could I possibly get into?

Dakota laughs, "There is a grocery store a couple of blocks away, I'll leave you my card if you want to get us some food, just don't go overboard, I don't make the big bucks, like some people." 

Kelley: Okay, I like grocery shopping, anything you don't eat? I love veggies, so I usually stock up on them.

Dakota: I don't eat fish, but everything else is fair game. 

Kelley: Ok, I can work with that, do you think that when you get home you could write down your schedule for me so I know where you are and where you'll be so I don't have to keep asking all the time.

Dakota: Yeah, sorry, I should have thought to do that already. I'll be back around 2 and then maybe we can head down to the gym for a workout if you like.

Kelley: Yes, I need a good workout I've been slacking over the holidays and need to get back into game shape.

Dakota finishes getting dressed and heads into the bathroom to complete her morning routine before returning to the bedroom and brushing out her hair and tying it up. "I have to go now, I'll leave my card and extra keys on the counter. Message me if you need anything.

Kelley: I will have a good practice and classes.

Dakota smiles at her before leaning down and kissing her, "Bye, Kelley." 

"Bye, Bear."

After managing to fall back asleep for a couple of hours Kelley gets up and wanders around the small, empty apartment. She notices the pictures on the wall are mostly those of Dakota's hockey teams and teammates and only one of which she assumes is Dakota's family. She shakes her head at the thought of how they treat Dakota, I'm so lucky to have a family that supports me, Kelley thinks.

Heading into the kitchen she puts a pod in the machine and presses the button to make a cup of liquid energy, opening the fridge she is a bit frustrated to find out there is no milk of any type for it. 

Realizing now that she really needs to head to the grocery store in order to be able to even make something for breakfast, she grabs the cup of black coffee and slowly sips away at it while collecting what she needs to shower. She finishes making herself feel presentable and downs the remainder of the now somewhat cold drink before putting on some clothes, collecting the card and keys from the counter along with her phone and heads out in the direction that Dakota told her to go.  

A few minutes later she arrives outside the store and collects a handbasket to put stuff in at the door. Walking inside the store, it's a whole new world for Kelley as the signage is mostly in French. Hopefully, I don't have to ask for help in finding anything, she thinks as she makes her way around. Gathering some fruits, veg, protein and an assortment of other necessities such as milk she makes her way to the cash and puts the items on the belt for the cashier.

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