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A few months later and Kelley is sitting in her parent's living room surrounded by members of her family and Emily's as they get ready to watch the Portland Thorns take on the Chicago Red Stars in Semi-Finals. 

8 minutes into the match and Australian star, Sam Kerr finds the netting behind AD Franch to put the home team out in front.

With the whistle sounding out to end the first half, the scoreline remains the same and Kelley takes some deep breaths before asking to speak with Bill and Jane in the other room. 

Karen, Dan and Erin watch on with smiles on their face knowing what the conversation is about after Kelley had a similar one with them the previous evening. 

Jane: What's on your mind, Kelley?

Kelley: Em and I are taking a trip in a few weeks and I have a ring and I was wondering if I could have your permission to ask her to marry me. 

Bill and Jane start laughing and shaking their heads, "You just cost us $100, Kelley, but the answer is yes, you have our permission." 

Kelley: Thank you. Dare I ask how I cost you $100?

Bill: A friendly bet between your parents and us as to whether either of you would ask for permission before proposing or just do it. 

Kelley: So, my parents bet that I would ask before proposing? Wow, I wouldn't have; I've always been overly impulsive.

Jane: Your Mom seemed to think that you wouldn't be when it came to Emily or your future together.  

Kelley: I love her and I'm done doing anything that could hurt either of us. I've done lots of stupid stuff in the past but that's over and done with now. 

Bill: That's good to hear. Now, how about we have a couple of drinks and celebrate the impending engagement? 

Kelley: That's something that I can definitely get on board with. 

They make their way back out to finish watching the second half of the Semi-final and speak very few words to each other as the Thorns fall to the Red Stars in the match and their season comes to a close. 

A few days and Kelley stands at the airport awaiting Emily's return to Georgia. Seeing the blonde hairs sticking out from underneath her ball cap as she walks in, Kelley can only smile. 

After hugging and holding each other for a few minutes, they head out to grab something to eat and just enjoy each other's company before returning to civilization. 

Kelley leans over and kisses her girlfriend, "I was thinking that perhaps we should look into getting our own place rather than spending our time between our parent's houses. Preferably someplace that we don't need to always remember to lock the bedroom door before getting busy."

Emily: I told you that my parents were home. 

Kelley: I'm just glad that it was your Mom and not your Dad that caught us. 

Emily: Me too. Although it was a little awkward explaining the origin of your tattoo to my Mom. 

Kelley: What did you tell her? 

Emily: Just that it was a symbol of strength and power. Don't worry I never mentioned Dakota's name. 

Kelley: Good. You looking forward to our getaway? 

Emily: Yes, I feel like I've been going non-stop lately. 

Kelley kisses her again, "Well, then I guess some beach time will do us both some good."

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