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What have I gotten myself into Kelley wonders as she slowly follows the intimidating-looking blonde deeper into the room and towards the bed.

Dakota: Have a seat.

Kelley: Ok.

Kelley does as she is directed and notices that Dakota takes a seat on the opposite bed.

Dakota takes a couple of deep breaths, before turning to face Kelley.

Dakota: I'm not going to beat around the bush and carry on a conversation all I care about is finding out what the fuck happened last night between us?

Kelley: I'm just as in the dark as you are, it sounds like we were both drugged while at the club. I only remember bits and pieces from last night. All I can say for certain is that I woke up naked and alone in a hotel room to my friend Alex banging on the door this morning. While I was getting dressed, I found a gold band on my finger, a tattoo on my back and my friends found a marriage certificate with our names on it. Well, I guess not actually our names, but our signatures at least. Alex contacted someone she knows on the US team named Hilary and she was able to help to identify you from a picture. What do you remember from last night?

Dakota: Honestly, Not a lot, I remember going to the club with some teammates, dancing with someone – I'm guessing it was probably you and then waking up in the hospital wearing a gold wedding band, with the nurses asking me if there was someone they could call for me.

Kelley: I'm sorry, you had to go through that, Dakota. You know, all the signs were there when I woke up to indicate we consummated our marriage last night, wish I could remember that part of the evening.

Dakota: Me too, I apparently wasn't wearing any underwear or a bra when I was found, only my dress and shoes, somehow managed to remember my purse and phone though.

Kelley: I think I have your bra, my friends gathered up stuff from around the room when they found me and there was one that wasn't my size.

Dakota: I wouldn't mind getting it back if possible, that one was kind of expensive.

Kelley: No worries, I'm sure that I can arrange to get it back to you. So, on a different note, can I ask how you got the nickname Bear? Considering I'm now branded with it for life, I should know the origins of it.

Dakota: Can I see your ink? I'm a big fan of tattoos if you haven't already noticed.

Kelley: Oh, I've noticed alright.

Kelley stands up, removes her shirt and turns to show Dakota the tattoo.

Kelley: What do you think?

Dakota gives her the once over before responding.

Dakota: I think that I like what I see, in more ways than one.

Kelley puts her shirt back on and smiles at Dakota.

Dakota: Most people think that my nickname is bear because I'm known for having a bit of an issue with my temper, but it's not. It's actually something my parents started calling me when I was younger, I love to sleep and hate getting up, they started joking around and calling me bear because I liked to hibernate and am extremely grumpy when I get woken up, and it stuck.

Kelley laughs.

Kelley: It sounds like we have that in common, I'm no fun before my morning coffee.

Dakota: Um coffee, I'm a bit of an addict.

Kelley: Me too. Do you think maybe you want to grab one in the morning, together?

Before she gets a chance to answer, Dakota's phone starts ringing, she picks it up and the screen says an unknown number. She mouths sorry to Kelley before answering it.

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