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                                              Jake POV

There is something charming and captivity about an angry woman, but not just any angry woman but angry Michelle. It came as a shock that she is my neighbor. What happened this morning was like a movie. At first I was confused as to why she was angry at me. When  I saw her coming back from jogging I was shock by her sports wear because the short was really short and she was wearing a sports bra. I forgot I was talking to my PA on phone . but there no phone close to my ear so she thought I heard her greeting and ignored her but am using my wireless earpiece that was why she didn't see it. Or Maybe she did saw it but didn't care at that point . when I recovered from the shock I looked away from her, so it wouldn't seem like am staring too much.. When She turn to enter her condo she came back angry and started shouting at me. I felt a strong attraction to her when she was shouting loudly. Her reaction this morning canceled my first impression of her . I thought she was quite and level headed girl, but that seems to be a facade. I like how she moves her Hands ,rolled her eyes  and demonstrated with her body . and there is this  fire in her eye that I liked .she has this air of innocence around her. But I get the feeling she wouldn't agreed with me an but innocent aspect . When she turned to enter her condo I smiled. I really wanted to laugh but I knew that would set her off again. When she turn and saw my smile with a confused look on her face she enters her apartment. She really made my day today. I wanted to comment on her sportswear but I knew that will not go well ,because she is already angry with me . I have the feeling she don't like anymore.
I have to make peace with her. She sees me as an enemy. I want to change that , she is charming. I like her cake , the taste was divine. I want more of that but I know I wouldn't be getting any till I apologize.      " what does she do for a living?" ..   I asked no one in particular, I have guessed what ever is her work ,its connected to kitchen.  I leaned back in my chair and took a sip from the  glass half filled of my whiskey ,ready for the evening to be over. It was almost midnight and the Irish pub in the midtown Manhattan bustled with late night diners and workers unwinding after a long week.  When joy the CFO of the  California branch of my company had suggested that we grab a bit to eat after we completed the last of our business, I had reluctantly agreed. Because we needed to celebrate and rest well to night..
I had assumer joy and Helen her new administrative assistant would be eager to fly home after the meal and salvage what was left of the weekend.  I had wanted Steve to come with us.
but Steve been Steve already plans for the weekend like his every other weekends. Here am alone with two ladies. But after a leisurely dinner they'd stuck around and ordered drinks.
Helen especially seems in no hurry , she finished off her second beer and signaled the waiter for another. She'd chattered nonstop over dinner while joy and I had stifled yawns. But Helen is just in mid twenties, so it was to expected the she'd be ready to party till dawn.
" How early are you ladies flying home?" .I asked them with a smile.
" 12' O' clock". She deliberately scheduled an afternoon departure because I called for one last meeting the next morning before the leave . it is not mandatory they attend but joy is a hardworking woman whom don't like to miss anything connect to her job.
Since you we don't have to be up at the crack of dawn , how about the three of us check out a few clubs in the area.. This is my first time been in NYC at weekend and at night too.. Although Helen extender the invitation to joy and I , I felt her gaze lingered on me.
" After all it Friday night and you know what the said about all works and no play _______ "".
"Call me dull and boring" ,  she  pushed back her chair and stood and
I saw Joy hand covering  another yawn . “All I want to do is get home, put up my feet, and read the paper”. Joy said.
I smiled in understanding  and  decided I must be getting  older when joy scenario held more appeal to me “ I’ll you a get a cab “.
“ A cab?”. Joy laughed and motioned to stop me. “ the subway stop is just around the corner”.
There was something about this woman independent stance and smile that remained me of michelle .
While I had done my own share of dating and had even had a once been in a long-term relationship  , I never given any woman a second thought when I am on  business  meetings even with linda.
When my relationship with linda ended , I thought it was because I was unable to devote my time to make it work. But that should not push her to cheat on me , but few minutes with  michelle , I started to realize little things like , it is not because  I was unable to but I was unwilling to make time for her. I really want to know more of michelle , if only she will let me. But I always get what I want .
  “ I appreciate the hours you put in the past to few days to travel from California to NYC for this meeting”. I included Helen in my thanks through my gaze.
“ The hours you both put are appreciated”
“ it was our pleasure” joy said.
I grinned . wiggling her fingers goodbye ,Joy head out the door . while brushing a stand of sliver hair back from her face.
It just me and Helen; Helen seem more determined than sensible. I had hoped that she would leave with joy  to rest. I took a sip of whiskey . it took me a moment to study her. She is beautiful , her skin was smooth and warm olive color. She lean forward , rested her elbows on the table and let her scooped neckline dip low.
“Ready  for  some  fun”.
I really don’t know if she is coming on me or just friendly. I tried playing it safe.  I pretended I don’t know what she was saying by lifting a brow “Fun? “.
“Some more drinking, dancing and after was ,you will walk me back to my hotel and tuck me in “ .
She giggled as if she’d said something  uproariously funny  and motioned the waiter for another beer . I believe she is more stupid  than I thought . she just offered herself to me but am not interested  , I just need a way to reject politely without hurting her.  She is really nothing like her .  it a gut feeling which trust.
“ I appreciate  the invitation “ . I told her .” but I have no interest in clubbing today and I have girlfriend  whom wouldn’t  be understanding at all”. The word just flowed easily from my mouth because  I really want  michelle as my girl and she will be soon.
“ so” Helen lifted a shoulder in a slight shrug.
“I have a boyfriend and he is an army “ she said like it’s was not nothing. I know been in the army is not easy,  non of my relationship worked before I left and met linda .
“you do ?”
“Don’t look so shocked “. She trailed a finger up my arm .
“ he is deployed”. He knows I don’t do alone well. “ I’m sure it’s the same for you , you are looking lonely.  Your baby will understand” .
I lowered my gaze and cast a glance at the hand resting on my coat sleeve . I really felt nothing but disgust. I detain women like her.  I removed her hand from my coat and said “ she wouldn’t have to understand because nothing is going to happen”. I said it slowly and deliberately so there wouldn’t be any misunderstanding. She appeared to be getting the point. “ so is there no other women or just me “.
“No other women” I told her in a strong and steady voice.
“wow she one lucky woman”. She stood with her purse “ am still going clubbing  , have a nice weekend” she left me sitting there..

--------------- - sorry for the late update

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