CHAPTER ONE[Beginning]

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The day for me to leave finally came, i was so happy and scared at the same time. no offence to my family I love them but I was happy to go .knock knock "who is there?", I asked "Michelle is me April",my little sister replied." Come in" I said , she opened the door and came in looking at me with a sad expression," I don't want you to go please",  she said in a small and timid voice .
"I will come back to visit you", I told her with my face stained with tears I hugged her
"hey don't cry am suppose to be the one in tear". She said and released her self from the hug
" I will miss you so much", she shot me an angry look.
" Mom said you should come downstairs, your cab is here am sure you wouldn't want to miss your flight", she say while heading downstairs. Am tearing up already I will miss them ,I don't know how my life will be without them in my everyday life . I cleaned my face and turn on my brave face toward them with a heavy and scared heart. Am confident I will be okay.
I met my family at the front door with my luggage's they were trying to smile ,I know my family ,my parents are scared and do not want me know that.
" Am not dying am just moving to new York city mom" I tried to comfort her.
" I and your father  knows that, it normal for parents to worry about their kids".pi pi pi the sound of car horned from outside," mom I've got to go my cab is waiting",I said to their sad faces, my sisters are sad but happy that I was finally free, their words not mine. Then my family hugged me,wordlessly they released me and stepped back.

Third POV

"God I will miss them" she thought deep. She didn't want them to see her in tears,so she smiled showing what she thought they wanted to see. She heard the cab driver horn again and went outside with her family by her side,the driver load her bags in and she enter the car,off they went,she continue waving at her family till they disappear from her sight. She was scared of leaving her comfort zone and afraid to start life own her own. "Need to do this for myself",she thought out loud still looking scared and already lonely with her family
She has always  been obedient to their rules even in the university and in every aspect of her life. She needed to find herself, the things she love to do, she knows it was not going to be easy but she believed this was her chance to achieve them on my own. In no time they arrived at the air port. She boarded her flight and slept through the journey and only woke up when  the announcement of arrival was made. She walked toward the entrance direction till she got outside  at first she was shock at the big city and little she felt in it. She immediately felt like running back into her parents arm. She knew they would welcome her happily but she stopped her wishful thinking and stopped a cab,got in while the driver loads up her bags. During the trip to her hotel she turned her head toward the window watching the tall buildings and the cars, the city of new York graced her pass by.
She immediately noticed the traffic and the impressive number of taxis on the roads. it felt like a movie to her,"
wow they are a lot ". She said sitting up straight in the to have a better view.
The taxi driver smiled at her wonder filled face
I nodded
" is this your first in NYC?" He asked her politely
" it showed on your face didn't you will get use to the city fast life" he said and kept his silence
The noise was something she was not use to,the roads are very wide and they lead to different directions ,the siren was something else( not in a good way)
She murmured to herself" Mich you actually did it wow", hahahahah she started laughing and start jumping on her
seat. then she noticed the cab driver was looking at her weirdly through the driver's mirror. She at that point cares about nothing she continued laughing and crying at the same time because she actually have the courage  and it paid off. She felt she was on her  way to becoming an independent lady ,the frightening issue was that she still do not have any apartment yet, but she believed that she would settle later
They arrived at the hotel,the driver was quick to bring down her bags maybe because of her weird action at the road.
Twirling around she was graced with a beautiful environment "shut up" she muttered ."
this place is fabulous but the the bill is worth it, don't ask it a gift" she went inside and walked to the receptionist and got her key, " sorry for prying is this your first time in this city" she asked.
" yes,it is beautiful and full with people from different region but at the same time it makes you feel small" she told her.
She smiled " I felt the same way when I first arrived at this city but not to worry you will come to love it.
" I hope so"
" here is my card call if you need anything" feeling sorry for me.
She thought as she took the card and said "thank you"
She took the elevator to fourth floor  and located her room .the passage decor  was amazing the color on the wall is white & gold and is looking very elegant. She opened her room with a card and was graced with amazing views,this room itself was something else she felt on top of the world because she had never slept in a beautiful room like this before wow. She showered didn't bother to eat because she was too excited to be hungry, but so tired she feel like the weight of the  world is on my shoulder ,nevertheless  behind her happy face hide a scared girl scared of the world itself, she is just trying to be normal for once in my life. At 23  Michelle had never done anything fun,that makes her happy or been to a date before because she's scared of been alone with a man ,but she willing to try to be normal , she has faith that she will overcome my fear
"God am tired" she said sleepily and went to bed  with this thought  on her mind." Finding herself is her hidden reason for moving to this city not for job although  that is needed too,I must work hard and learn how to have fun in this beautiful city" with that on her  thought she slept off.
Tomorrow will be a good day.

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