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                                              JAKE'S POV

" Want to get laid tonight ". I didn't bother to look up from my computer to know whom is standing in my office doorway without me been notified first. Only one have no patience to wait for my secretary notify me first and could announce himself without the fear of been fired or shout out. I hit the save, swiveled my chair and smiled at the dirty blond hair , a of friend of mine." Let me check my schedule first.
He shot a cursory glance at the iPad my assistant left for me to check my schedule and shook his head. " sorry going clubbing is not on my schedule, and if anything is not on my schedule that means a no". I told him, I knew he wouldn't let it go ,because he has been asking for the same for close to six months now." I know" Steven Walter gave a dramatic snort" its not going to happen".

Dressed in a tailored expensive charcoal suit, Steven looked every inch a corporate executive. But the devilish and playful sparkle in his eyes said everything about his personality.
I lifted a brow ' I thought you would be on your way to an island for fun with some beautiful girls. Steven laughed as I'd I said something ridiculously funny" it's Friday night".
I smiled because she is a total opposite of me, I don't go out much because am always busy with work.

" Am going out today with Linda" he smiled.
" What Linda , the one with big fake ass and breast? I asked him. My mouth suddenly taste bitter because women like that will make you hate all the female population. I remembered when I was still dating Susan five years ago, she is the exact description of Linda. I thought then I've found miss right and settle down, but no she was having an affair with a richer guy and she was with me because of my money. I raised my head to see Steven laughing like I was saying something very funny.." Who cares about her fake asset"?. Steven chuckle. " that girl is good in bed ".
Are we about the same person, the lady I saw last year was dressed slutty for the dinner party. She was looking at me like a was a chocolate she wants to jump on. And she had a diamond ring on her finger, the lady am talking about is married. Steve looked at me like I have two head ,you are so out of touch with reality,Linda and her husband split four months ago" frowned". And she already going out?. What do you want her to do?,sit at home and cry her eyes out everyday? Genuine surprise skittered across Steven face.

After so much push from Steven I found myself here  staring into my whiskey glass. Coming here tonight had been a mistake. I have no interest in being social, no time for such things. So why did I come?

The question niggled me, after all I just got back from a business trip to hong Kong on Wednesday and still suffering from jet lag. Even at that I still went the office to see how the are doing, with at me there they always misbehave. The smart thing to do was to stay at home, watch business news and the innings of the game, then go to bed early alone. The thought rose unbidden and I knew instinctively that's why i was here. After two years of working sixteen hours a day? I was so tired of pretending that work was all I need. When Steven came to my office today to invite me out clubbing. I had planned on evening of beer, darts, and conversations. Looking for a woman had not cross my mind but when I walked through the front of a new club and see a girl whom is the replica of the girl I saved yesterday. I remembered I had been surprised by the stirring of desire I felt for her. I called the cops on the rapist, I left the police station. I didn't get her number she left immediately I told her to do so. But I was actually hoping was was hiding. She is pretty rather beautiful with hair color chocolate and eye look black from afar but brown up close, slender with curves in the right places she is really not different from the lady I've seen and worked with.

Until our gaze had locked. At that moment I realized that the eye could indeed be a window into a person soul. When I saw the horror and tear in her eyes. I almost  kill him there immediately. I want to see her again but I doubt she will recognize me." Hey hey , where did you go"? Steven asked with a cursory look.
" look any girl you like?, all the girls seem to be want you". I looked around and s that's true but funny thing is that I want to alone tonight " I don't care". I replied.
"Linda invited me over to her place". Steven said " you are welcome to come". Linda marched her fingers up front of  Steven's shirt. " a little post game celebration ".
I smiled. I might have been out of social scene for a while,but even I could tell that three would be a crowd. " you two go ahead".
Linda tugged at Steven sleeve " you heard the man".
Steven pulled away, but softened the gesture with a smile" why don't you wait for me by the front." I'll only be a minute ".
" Steven " her bottom lip jutted  out in a pout. " it will be just a minute " Steven brushed her a kiss across  her lips and gently turned her toward the door" I promise ".
" look like someone can't wait to get you alone". I brought the glass  of whiskey to my lips.
" what can I say?". Steven pulled out a chair and sat down ,as if ha had all time in the world" women see me . they want me know. Its as simple as that and want you too, but you wouldn't let them.

Actually it wasn't far the from the truth . Steven and I grew up together. Women has always flocked them on the fun loving Steve. More women love the mysterious me according to Steve. Steven's gaze slid to the blond before returning to me. How about I tell Linda I can't be with her for tonight and you and I go check another club downtown. Although this was suppose to be a guys night out. The last thing i wanted is to put a damper on Steven's evening." You go ahead".   " I will be heading home as soon as I finish this drink ". I told him to make him leave. I will be leaving immediately he left. He was about leaving when he saw a red hair looking my way ,he smiled and reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple of foul packets and tossed them on the table.
"No need to thank me". He shot me a wink" after all what are friends for"?. He left ,I too left after him.

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