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The early morning wind chased the cold wind in a frenzied game of tag, causing the downpour to beat against the windows of the house. I shivered as I glanced at the rattling pane of glass in the warped window frame in the kitchen . After taking a sip of hot coffee, I wrapped my hand around the mug and propped my elbows on the kitchen counter. wiggling slightly in a futile attempt to find a comfortable position on the marble kitchen chair.
For how long will I continue to die in silence? .... Why is this happening to me? All unanswered questions. At age I was almost raped by a neighbor and that takes a toll in my life .I don't know how to love a man and in my twenty three years on earth I've never dated any man. I couldn't tell my parents again, the last time it happened I escaped from the hand of serial rapist. They were so happy it was me not my elder sister because  according am a lot smarter than her but that didn't make pain I felt then less. Their excuse was that I was smart to escape but she is too shy and naive.
After what I went through them and now this, I don't know what to do any more,it feels like the heaven is crying, outside is too dark for new day that suppose to be bright .how can I move if this take happening again. When ever I think about the last one am either shaking or crying like a baby . I sank in a chair in the kitchen. U kills me a little inside every time they talk on how I escape , the brave princess was and is dying inside they didn't know. I never told  them because I want care and pity and still do not know is a sour pity topic to me.
I moved to the coffee machine to have a refill of cup,after that I sank back onto the chair, acutely aware that my trembling legs were about to refuse to support me for another minute. I drew a shuddering breath and mentally ordered myself to get a grip. I can't let Chelsea see me like because she might break things before know what is wrong. This had happened before I wouldn't let it spoil my day I said to myself. By the way today is my free day making today Sunday, I don't have any strength in me to go to church I need excuse on why I didn't attend Sunday service today before Chelsea comes out because she will be out in no time and I don't have the energy for questions and I hope and pray I don't snap at her. This is just an aftershock, I had been cool and collect thought the terrifying incident of last night. Thank God I was recuse by a man, he is a god sent to me at that point, my miracle, he is handsome I saw his face but not clearly but that all I could remember but he was every cold to me last night. He was suppose to check on me after to know how I was fairing.
(In deep thought), I Left home to work on better me not for me to raped and disrespected and to wait tables,I know I just arrived that some had been in this city for more than ten years but have achieved nothing, but I know serving people is " Mich Mich Mich"!!!!!!!!!!!. I turn to see Chelsea shouting. I jumped from the chair almost falling face down to floor from the chair my arm slipped from the counter. I didn't see or heard her entering the kitchen. I tired to smile, I don't want her asking me anything. " Mich I've been standing here close to ten minutes hoping you will notice me". " Are you okay"? She placed her arm on my forearm.
I looked at her for a moment, then I tried to smile again but I know it was strained." Am good,just tired of work" . I went ahead to add " it is fun but………".
" Mich is there something you are not telling me" looking serious obviously not happy with my mood.
" am really fine" I left her in the kitchen entered my room but when I was about to close the door I hear a cry of someone .which I knew was Chelsea because is just the two of us in this house. I shouldn't have  spoken to her in that manner and left her in the kitchen too.I went back to the kitchen there she was crying .I have never seen her cry before  it seem to me lying to her and leaving her in the kitchen really hurt her feelings.
"Am sorry" .I went ahead to narrate everything that happened last night, she cried harder.
"Then why did you lie to me?, don't you see me as a friend"?. Hugging me she continued with her blubbering
" I thought we've passed keeping things each other, I see you as a sister not as a friend". Already by then I was crying too, I kept saying " am sooo sory". Because I didn't know what else to say.
" its okay, we should not be crying but happy and thankful that hunk saved you." " so its time to shop, my treat I will buy what you want,".
She shouted, raising her arms in air,twirling " but I really want to stay at home today, you know today is the only day I have to rest".
" its Sunday you know " I told her bringing her arms down.
" exactly !!!!!!, its Sunday so we  should have some fun, since you didn't go to church today ". She smiled.
" so either we go clubbing which we both know you have never been to and like or we go shopping pick one but we wouldn't stay at home today". She keeping smiling looking triumph. Maybe because she knew I was breaking "But,".  " No but" it wouldn't work on me today. She said seriously. "Okay" I smiled.
I get two shoes and two dresses. The next day was hectic but it helped me forget the incident of two night back. I really want to thank my rescuer but new York city is a big place . I know and believe coincident.

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