Chapter 17

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~Jimin's POV~

"Hey...hyung?" I called out as I fidgeted with a little piece of trash.

"Yes?" Seokjin responded from the other side of his bedroom, where he sat at his desk.

Hesitantly, I went over to him. "I wanted to ask you a few questions..."

He glanced up at me. "Can it wait until I finish my homework up?"

He took my lack of response as a no, and sighed before he closed his textbook and leaned back in his chair. "What do you want to ask, Jimin?" He asked. I went over to the end of his bed, and perched myself a few feet away from him.

"S-So...a few days ago, whenever Jungkookie had his after school activity, Yoongi hyung came by and apologized. Then we went on a little date, and we went back to his place. We were...a bit intimate while we were there, and..we were caught by his parents. And..she started to yell at him, saying how I was an omega and he shouldn't have had sex with me and stuff. I was you know anything more about us being omegas? Mama and dad never really explained it to me and Kookie..."

Seokjin frowned at my question. "Yoongi's parents know that you're an omega?"

"Y-Yeah, why?"

"It means they're probably like us. Half wolf, or whatever. If they're getting all mad at Yoongi for mating with you, then it could be because he's an alpha..." He mumbled, trailing off around the end before he asked, "You did use protection with Yoongi, right? You know you're supposed to be safe--"

"N-No, I didn't use protection, but Yoongi doesn't have any STDs, so..."

Seokjin frowned. "Jimin, if you didn't use protection and Yoongi is in fact an alpha, could be pregnant."

I paused, before I frowned back at him. "What? What do you mean I could be pregnant? I'm a guy..."

"You're an omega. It means you're a guy that can get pregnant. We're meant for breeding and finding an alpha to be with. You're not like all those humans. And the reason you haven't gotten pregnant yet is probably because you haven't mated with an alpha yet--until Yoongi." He said, and stood up from his desk whenever my eyes fell and I cradled my stomach. "I'll take you to go get a test. Okay? They have a kind on the market that other omegas specifically made for use of both humans and omegas."

I gave a slight nod, but didn't move as he got ready. Whenever he was finished, he grabbed my hand and a pair of shoes for me and led me out to his car.

While I sat in the car, he went in to get the test. I gulped whenever I saw the tests he'd gotten when he came out and quietly mumbled, "Y-You are just pranking me, right? You're not serious, are you?"


Was all he said.

Silence filled the car as he drove us back home.

Whenever we were back, Seokjin ushered me into the bathroom and gave me instructions what to do. Whenever he left me alone, I stared down at the tests for a long time, before I hesitantly used them. I curled up on the bathroom floor with them laying in front of me as I waited for them to process. As soon as they were finished, my heart dropped whenever I saw two little lines on all of them.


It was then that I called out for Seokjin in a shaky voice. He opened the door and his expression softened whenever he saw me on the verge of tears on the floor. He came over to me and wrapped me in his embrace, kissing my forehead and murmuring that it would all be okay.

But I wasn't so sure about that.

How the hell can I be pregnant? I'm in high school! The dance club! I want to be a dancer when I'm older! How can I do that when I'm pregnant, or have a child to take care of? I can't be a parent! How would I take care of it?

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