Chapter 5

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Eventually, my boner did go away and Jimin and I left the practice room. An annoyed janitor watched as we walked down the stairs, and we got to the exit. But we both stopped.


Because it was pouring rain outside.

"Aww, crap..." He whined. I looked down at Jimin curiously, to find him pouting. "I was supposed to walk home today..."

I frowned. "You don't have an umbrella, I'm guessing?"

"No. The forecast didn't say anything about rain..."

"Oh." I mumbled. "Well...I have my car. I can take you home, if you don't mind. can show me where you live while you're at it." I suggested. He looked up at me like I'm a genius and his savior.

"You have a car hyung?" His eyes lit up and he grinned. I simply nodded, and he looked excited. "That's so cool! My parents don't trust me with a car..."

"I have to have a car. My parents go abroad sometimes and I live a little ways from the school, so..." I mumbled. He gave me a sad face.

"Are you home alone a lot?"


"Doesn't that...get lonely though?"

"Sometimes, though I do like to be alone most of the time."

"Oh..." He tilted his head, before he smiled at me. "If you ever get lonely from now on, you can come over to my house and we can have a sleepover! My parents would treat you like a second son."

", that's okay..." I mumbled. He curled his lip and pouted cutely.

"Nuh uh. I want you to have sleepovers with me! You have to promise! Within this month, besides my birthday, you have to have a sleepover with me! We could schedule it on a night my parents aren't home and we could have a lot of fun together!" He looked up at me with starry eyes, and I gave him a small, sheepish smile.

"We'll see, I guess."

"Okay! It's a promise! Now where's your car?" Jimin sprinted out into the rain before I could give him an answer, making my eyes widen and I quickly ran after him. Whenever we got to my car, we were both soaking wet. Jimin giggled as he shook his head, spraying me with water droplets as he did. I watched him with a disgruntled expression as he shook the hair out of his water, kind of annoyed that he was getting my car wet, but also kind of amused at how cute he was being. He looked over at me with an innocent smile and said, "Sorry I'm getting your car wet...I got a little excited..."

"Excited?" I asked, and he nodded.

"That you have a car! That's really cool that you know how to drive!" He said, and I shook my head.

"Not...really." I mumbled as I turned on the car. "Where is your house at?"

"'s kind of hard to get to my street if you don't know exactly where it is. When you get out of the parking lot, go right."


After about ten minutes of slow directions and sharp turns, we eventually got into Jimin' driveway, where he went up to the porch, discovered the door was locked, and didn't have his keys. He came back over to the car and sheepishly said, "Hyung...I think I left my keys in my locker..."

I gave him a look. "Can you call your parents to let you in?"

"They told me this morning that they were going out of town for a business meeting and weren't gonna be home until very late, and that their phones would be off..." He mumbled.

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