Chapter 6

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Somewhere in the middle of the night, I was awoken by movement in my bed and a very quiet whimper. I cracked my eyes open and groaned, rolling onto my side and coming face to face with a crying Jimin. I jumped and gasped, having not been expecting him to be there.

"J-Jimin? What are you doing? What's wrong?" I asked, sitting up in bed. The small boy who seemed to be folding into himself and seemed to be becoming much smaller, hugged my leg and buried himself under my blanket instead of answering. It was then that extremely loud lightning struck outside, shaking the entire house. I jumped in surprise at the loud noise. Jimin gasped and hugged my leg, whimpering quietly. It was then that I realized that he was scared of the storm that was raging outside.

"Jimin..." I said softly. I moved the blanket from over his head and gently grabbed his small, shaking frame. I pulled him to the head of the bed and laid him down, pulling the covers over us both and laying down next to him. I pulled him into my arms and held him. I gently kissed his forehead, totally ignoring the fact that my crush was in my bed and I was holding him. The only thing that was on my mind was making Jimin feel better.

"Jimin, are you afraid of the lightning?" I asked softly. I rubbed his back soothingly as the small boy buried himself in my embrace and the covers. He shook his head.

"N-No, I'm not afraid of lightning...." He sobbed quietly. "I just...really don't like loud noises..."

I tried not to coo at him, because now was really not the time to be thinking he was cute. Instead, I sprang an idea. I leaned over him, ignoring the fact that when I did his body moved with me because he was clinging to my chest like a baby koala. I reached into my night stand and from inside, I pulled out some earplugs.

"Here, princess. You can put these in to drown out the noise." I said, giving him the earplugs. He looked at them with big teary eyes before he took them. He put them in his ears and buried his face back into my chest. I knew that they were working pretty well for him, because a few seconds later, lightning struck again, but he didn't jump. I smiled and tried to soothe him to sleep, all the while feeling myself tense up each time the lightning hit. Each time it hit, it shook the entire house. The storm outside was horrible. After about thirty minutes, he finally calmed down and fell asleep in my arms. And soon after, I fell asleep with him in my arms--

--Only to wake up and panic whenever I saw him in my arms the next morning. I nearly yelped out in surprise and shoved him off the bed. But I didn't, thankfully. Instead I just jumped and stared at him with wide eyes as he groaned and stretched. I quickly let go of him and sat up, checking the time on the clock on my nightstand.

Six thirty a.m.

"H-Hey, Jimin..." I called his name and looked down at him. He yawned and rubbed his eyes before he sat up at looked at me.

"It's princess..." He pouted. "Call me princess."

I smiled, but quickly shook my head. "Okay, you want me to take you back to your house real quick so you can get ready at home? Your parents should be home by now."

"...No. I have my bag, and I can just wear one of your uniforms. So it's fine."

I paused. "You want to wear my uniform?"

He tilted his head. "Is that a problem?"

Well you'll look like a senior--

He didn't wait for my answer. He yawned again, before he stretched and got off my bed. "Can I use your bathroom?"

"Um..go ahead." I mumbled. He hummed in response and left my room.

I got out of bed myself, and went to my closet to grab two uniforms from my closet. I frowned as I stared at the two, knowing that they wouldn't fit Jimin at all. I was afraid he might get in trouble for wearing someone else's uniform, too, but...

I sighed and went ahead and laid it out for him on my bed before I began to change into my uniform. I had a new pair of underwear on and was about to put on my pants when Jimin came back in.

I blushed and quickly finished putting my clothes on, before I looked back at him, only to find he had taken off his shirt and was unbuttoning his pants. I quickly looked away whenever he began to get dressed in the uniform I'd laid out for him. Halfway through him getting dress, he suddenly said, "Your underwear fits me weird."

Curiously, I turned around to look. And he was right. His ass was bigger than mine and filled in the empty space his dick didn't, but that made it stretch a little weird on him. I tried not to chuckle at the sight. He gave me a look before he put on the pants I left for him and his shirt. The shirt hung off his shirts and went down mid thigh on him, and the pant legs were too long. On top of that, the waist of the pants slid down quickly.

He looked at me like he expected me to do something about it.

I sighed. "Tuck in the shirt and roll up the jeans. I'll go see if my mom has any belts that will fit you. Her waist would be closer to your size than mine." I mumbled, and he nodded obediently. I went to retrieve a belt from my parent's room, and came back to see him almost looking presentable. I gave him the belt and he put it on. Though it was a little messy, it would work. We both finished getting ready, before I drove us to school.

Whenever we walked into our first period together, I found Namjoon and Hoseok already inside. They noticed that we came in together. Jimin went to his seat and almost immediately there was a guy standing next to him, hitting on him while Jimim just looked up at him with an innocent smile. I felt a little jealous, but quickly reminded myself that I had no right to be. I went over to where Namjoon and Hoseok were. The two smirked at me and watched me, like they expected me to say something.

"What do you two want?" I grumbled.

"Did you lose your virginity?" Namjoon asked with a smirk. "You came in did you come to school together?"

I glared at him. "Yes we did come to school together but FYI, I am still a virgin. He stayed the night at my house because he got locked out of his and his parents weren't there to let him in."

Hoseok rose an eyebrow. "Where were his parents?"

"On a business trip, I believe. Why?"

"Jungkook and Taehyung said they're going on a business trip tomorrow night? That's why we're all going to be alone during his party. I thought they were just working last night?" Hoseok looked to Namjoon for confirmation, who nodded.

"I think little Jimin wanted you to invite him over because he wanted you two to be in a situation where shy little Yoongi might make a move on him." Namjoon smirked at me.

I frowned at him. "Jimin isn't like that. So stop talking about him like that." I spat, before I turned around in my seat to ignore him. The two began to pick fun at me for the rest of the time before class began. I ignored them though, because I didn't believe a word they said.

Jimin wouldn't lie to me like that.

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