Chapter #11

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Draco sighed before placing his pen on the table. He was trying to plan the Yule Ball by himself but soon had to realise that this wouldn't work. He couldn't do it alone and therefore he needed the help of Hermione.

He didn't want to ask her either though. But she had to approve the ideas with him. He didn't want to talk to her even if they were on "good terms" now.

He went through his hair before taking his things and going to his room. He cleaned his room a bit and was about to go to the slytherin common room when the door opened and Hermione entered the dorm.

Draco froze and didn't know if he should run back into his room or just pretend to not have seen her. It was driving him crazy. However Hermione didn't seem to notice him, she straightly went into her room and left Draco standing there alone.

After some seconds Dracos Brain started to progress everything and he realised that she was crying. Her eyes were red and she looked pretty sad. Should he go and ask her?

But at the same time that was something only friends did and they weren't friends.
He stood there for a while, hearing Hermione sobbing from her room. He sighed and then walked towards her room before knocking on it.

The sobbing stopped and it was all silent.
„Who is there?", she suddenly asked. Her voice wasn't like it usually was. She sounded sick.

Draco cleaned his throat before he replied: „It's me."

Again she didn't say anything for some seconds. Draco slowly opened the door and saw her sitting on the ground in front of her bed. Her knees were in front of her upper body and her arms were laying on her knees.

She looked at him and tried to wipe the tears away, but it didn't matter. Draco had seen them anyway. She noticed how he was fighting with himself but after a while he just came and sat next to her.

„Do... do you wanna talk about it or something?", he asked.

Hermione was more than surprised that he even tried to ask for her well-being instead of going wherever he wanted to go.

„I don't think there is anything to talk about", she replied.

„Sometimes it helps to relieve the stress by telling it to someone", he said.

„Well... it's about Ron", she slowly said.

„You mean Weaselbee? You're crying because of him?", Draco tried to not sound disgusted, which he really was.

„He was just pretty annoying and accused me of something and didn't even regret it later on", it came out of her mouth before she could think about it.

„I call this asshole behavior", Draco said seriously.

Hermione looked at his face and started to giggle by the seriousness in his face.

„Did I make a joke or something?", Draco asked confused but was also relieved at the same time. She wasn't crying anymore.

„No, but this situation is just absurd. I'm ranting to the boy I used to call an asshole, about a boy I've been friends with since years. I mean we used to be enemies", Hermione looked at Draco.

She was right. The situation was really absurd, yet Draco wasn't regretting having asked her about her well-being. He had never comforted anyone but the fact that he made Hermione laugh while she was sad made him happy and satisfied.

He never expected that helping someone would feel like that. His father never comforted him, only his mother did. But she just hugged him whenever he cried and didn't say a word. Draco never wanted to comfort someone since he was never comforted himself.

Yet while he was caring for Hermione he felt like she was caring for him instead. He felt free and without any pressure. He could be himself right now and didn't have to change him.

„Well, times change everything", he said and tried to smile.

Hermione who noticed the stiff smile tried her best to not burst into laughter.
„You don't have to smile if you don't want to", she said.

Draco looked at her with big eyes.
„But... why does it look that bad?"

„Yes it does", she admitted.

Draco stood up and went to the mirror in her room before trying to smile again and again.
„It really looks fake", he finally said.

„Yeah you have to keep it natural", Hermione said.

„And how do you do that? I can't remember the last time I smiled to be honest...", Draco admitted. It felt weird to smile.

Hermione looked at him and said: „It's easy. Just don't smile too much. Do it like this."
She smiled at him as a demonstration.

Draco noticed that whenever she smiled her eyes smiled with her. He couldn't say how that was even possible. And without noticing he smiled.

„This one was excellent! It looked like a real smile!", Hermione said happily.

Draco looked to the mirror and noticed his smile. It was odd to see himself like that. He let the smile disappear and tried to not blush.

„It was nice to talk to you Granger, my advice would be to not talk to Weaselbee unless he apologises first", he said.

Hermione nodded.
„I didn't think you could be nice too", she said.

Draco rolled his eyes.
„I'm not heartless", he said.
But deep down, he was surprised himself. He never cared for others and was never nice to anyone except his mother, but even then he was never able to show her his soft side or otherwise his father would slap him and say he wasn't manly enough.

„I know that now. Where did you want to go actually?", she looked at his clothes.

„To the common room, but it's late now anyway", he answered.

„I'm sorry... it's kind of my fault", Hermione said.

„It's fine, it would have been boring there anyway. They mostly just talk about other people so I didn't miss anything", Draco put his hands into his pockets.

„I see, so you like more adventurous stuff huh? Malfoy you're surprising me today", Hermione mocked him.

„Very funny, I'm going to sleep. We have to plan the Yule Ball tomorrow", he said.

„Okay Mister Organized", Hermione replied.

He smiled and left her room and straightly went into his room. He opened the door and his eyes met the mirror and he saw himself smiling once again on this day. He couldn't remember smiling twice a day. It seemed like an eternity....


After 10 chapters Hermione and Draco finally had some nice interactions🥺

What do you think about it?


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