Chapter #6

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„Well don't pretend like you're innocent! You stepped on my feet too!", Hermione answered back getting angry as well now.

„Are you talking back to me?!", Draco asked.

„That's how conversation works Malfoy!", Hermione snapped back.

„Watch how you're talking to me!", Malfoy said and got angrier.

„I can talk however I want to is that clear? You're not my boss! I don't know who you think you are you little ferret! You started to talk disrespectful to me first", Hermione said completely furiously.

„You little Mudblood wait until-", Draco started but Hermione interrupted him.

„Wait until your father hears about this?! You think I'm afraid of senior ferret?! Because you're wrong Malfoy", she said.

Draco was speechless for a second and wanted to say something back but Snape stopped them.

„STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU", he screamed.

Hermione looked at Draco with disgust before she moved her face away. Draco didn't look at her. The tension between them was about to burst.

Snape looked at both of them.
„What's this behavior?! You both are the headgirl and headboy, you're supposed to be an idol for all the other students. But here you are fighting worse than first year kids would do. I think you aren't capable for this job."

„Sir, I can assure you that I'm totally capable enough to do this job. But my "colleague" over here isn't capable enough for it because he's too fancy for it. Send him back to his daddy since he loves to mention him", Hermione said.

„What did you say mudblood?!", Draco screamed and his head got red.

„Watch your mouth. Both of you. I'm not going to tolerate the behavior of both of you. Go to the director. Now", he said.

„But Sir-", Hermione and Draco said.

„I SAID NOW! GET LOST!", Snape screamed.

Hermione looked at Draco furiously before she left the room.

„Sir, are you serious?", Draco asked after Hermione was gone.

„I said both of you", Snape replied.

„Don't you know who my dad is?", Draco asked.

„I know your father very well Malfoy. I can't give you any special treatment because of that though. Maybe you should take Ms. Grangers advice serious and really should go back to your dad", Snape said.

Draco looked at him surprised.
„You'll regret that", he said and left the room and walked to the directors office.

He would assure that that Granger girl would have to give her headgirl job away. She embarrassed him today and crossed the complete limit. He wouldn't let her go with that.

When he arrived outside of the office he saw Granger leaning on the wall. Her arms were crossed and when she saw him she moved her face around arrogantly.

That ferret was annoying her. She thought she would manage to not end up at this position this year. But she was wrong. She remembered how she really believed Malfoy when he said they should try to not provoke eachother.

But once enemy, always enemy.

The door to the office opened and Hermione wanted to enter but Malfoy stepped forward.

„I'm going first", he muttered.

„Ladies first", Hermione replied and wanted to go in but Malfoy put his arm between her and the door.

„Pureblood first", he said.

Hermione, who was trying to avoid looking at him, now moved her face towards him and looked him deadly in his eyes.
„I don't care about your blood status Malfoy."

„And I don't care about your muggle rules", Malfoy replied.

„Kids kids, come in both of you", Dumbledore appeared.

Both of them looked at each other before Hermione pushed Draco away and entered the room, where she then sat down at one of the chairs in front of Dumbledores desk. Draco took a seat on the other chair.

It was quite and no one dared to say something.
„Professor Snape told me about the little inconvenience between you two", Dumbledore started.

„It was his fault!"
„It was her fault!", Draco and Hermione said at the same time.

Dumbledore sighed before he took his glasses off and put them onto the table. He looked at both of them.
„I thought you both are responsible enough for this job, but I can't trust you both if you can't even get along with each other. It was unfortunate that you both got the headgirl and headboy, it's not a secret that you both hate each other, you land in my office every year. But now you are not kids anymore. I trusted you with a responsibility. And you guys shouldn't make me regret it. Do you want me to choose a new headgirl and headboy?"

„No Sir!", Hermione said shockedly.

„Of course not Sir", Draco said.

„But what are we going to do if you both can't get along with each other?", Dumbledore waited for an answer.

Hermione looked at Draco and she hated it that she had no other choice than to get along with him. She couldn't loose the job as a headgirl. It would destroy her whole reputation.

And even Draco had to admit that the job as a headboy was more important to him than everything else. His father would kill him otherwise.

„I'm sorry Sir", Hermione said.

Draco looked at her, her face was faced down and her hair was falling in front of her face like a curtain.

„I apologise too", Draco said.

„That was easier than I expected, I can't let you go without a punishment though", Dumbledore continued.

„Punishment?", Draco and Hermione said at the same time.

„You'll help Snape to pick all the things he needs for an important potion I told him to make. Here are the ingredients", Dumbledore put a paper onto the table.

Hermione took it and looked at it before she looked at the professor.
„Professor, we won't find the unicorn hair anywhere except in-"

„Except in the forbidden forest", Draco completed her sentence when he saw the other list of the ingredients.

Both students were shocked. The forbidden forest was, as it names already said, forbidden. It was dangerous and many things already happened there.

„You both are old enough. If you don't manage to do this task, then unfortunately I have to take the headgirl and headboy job away from you. You have three days", he said, „and I need all other ingredients as well, you're now allowed to leave."

Hermione stood up first and left the room. Shortly after Draco left too.

Hermione looked at the clock and realised that it was already time for dinner. She sighed before she went through her hair and then walked to the great hall.


Who's fault was it?

Did Hermione snapped back well?

Will Draco and Hermione fulfill the taks? Or won't they?

Will anything happen?

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