Chapter #16

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„You.. You look pretty good", Draco said hesitantly.

Hermione smiled before replying: „You don't look bad as well."

Draco offered her his arm which she gladly took before they entered the hall. Many eyes went on them and both could hear the whispers of everyone.

„Is that really Hermione?", she heard someone saying.

„You lost a good one Ron", someone else said.

Hermione tried to ignore those comments and looked for Harry and Ginny, who she spotted at the end.

„Hermione! You look amazing!", Harry said while looking at her. After a short silence he continued: „You don't look bad as well Malfoy."

„Thanks Potter, you look fine as well", Draco replied with a smile.

The boys started to talk and so did the girls. The conversation went for a while until Dumbledore and the other teachers arrived in the hall.

„Now let's open the night everyone", Dumbledore started: „Miss Granger, the headgirl and Mr. Malfoy, the headboy will open todays yule ball with an opening dance. Please make some space for them. Have fun students!"

Hermione and Draco slowly went to the dancing space in the middle of everyone. Their hearts were pounding and Hermione could feel how she was getting more and more nervous.

„Hey, forget them. Just look at me and do as we practiced", Draco whispered to her.

She looked into his blue greyish eyes and slowly forgot everything.
The music started and both of them started dancing like they used to. Everything felt surreal and as if it was only them in the whole world. Every move was fluently and matched the flow of the music.

And finally the song ended. Hermione and Draco smiled at eachother and couldn't hide their happiness. After some seconds of complete silence everyone started to applaud and scream.

Hermione and Draco stepped one step back from each other and looked around. Everyone, even the Slytherins, looked surprised and were cheering for them.

The next song started and everyone started to dance the choreography they learnt.

The night couldn't get better. New people met eachother and new friendships were made. Everyone was enjoying it and everyone was talking about the magical opening dance.

„If I tell you, you both looked amazing. If I wouldn't know I would never be able to imagine you as enemies! The tension in the room was immaculate!", Blaise said while eating  a piece of cake, which he got from the buffet.

„Cut it, it's not that deep", Draco replied while looking around.

Hermione was with her friends, he could identify them as the younger sister of Weaselbee and another blonde girl, that seemed familiar but he couldn't remember her name. He looked at Hermione and saw that she was enjoying herself, it somehow made him happy.

„Looks like you are quite happy to have her as your partner", Goyle came from behind and put his hand on Dracos shoulder.

Draco rolled his eyes.
„You all are exaggerating it, it's really nothing."

„Yeah sure, I wouldn't be surprised if some weeks after you two announce that you're dating", Blaise took a sip of his drink.

„Do you have a death wish or some?", Draco stepped forward and Blaise stepped back while laughing.

Draco looked back to Hermione, but she wasn't there anymore. Confused he automatically started searching for a girl in blue, which was pretty hard considering that the dresscode was blue, but she didn't seem to be in the hall.

Forbidden Love|Dramione FFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें