Chapter #17

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Ron wanted to walk past Draco, but he stopped him by grabbing his arm.

„What did you do?", Draco asked.

His grip was strong, strong enough that Ron wasn't able to get out of it.

„That's none of your business, let go", Ron replied while trying to release his arm.

„I do think that it's my business, since we know what kind of person you are. Did you harass her again?"

Draco's ice cold gaze made Ron shiver but he finally managed to free his arm.

„Even if I did, what are you going to do?", he said before quickly leaving.

Draco looked at him until he was gone. Frustrated he went through his hair before looking up to the sky. Ron wasn't wrong, it wasn't any of Draco's business. Yet he somehow had a very protective feeling towards her.

He couldn't enjoy the night anymore as well hence why he decided to go into the dorm as well.


Her shoes were laying in front of her while Hermione was sitting and looking up to the stars. The cold breeze up there was making her feel cold, which was the reason why she had her knees close to her body and her arms around them.

Tears where leaving her eyes. Why did that happen to her? Some weeks ago everything was fine. Some weeks ago Harry, Ron and her were sitting in the train on their way to Hogwarts, happy to spend another great year together.

Her and Ron being in love with eachother... she really thought that they would last forever. And now all of the years they spent together were for nothing, everything shattered in only some weeks. Years became worthless. Promises broke like a piece of glass.

The golden trio was no more. And that hurt Hermione more than the fact that she lost Ron as a boyfriend, because first he was her best friend.

„Here you are", someone suddenly said.

Hermione looked up just to see a relieved Draco. She quickly stood up and wiped her tears.
„What are you doing here?", she asked surprised.

„I came here to get some fresh air, I thought you were going to be in the dorm and needed some space", he answered.

Hermione sat down again and sighed.
„I'm sorry that you have to see me crying again."

„Don't worry, it's fine. Sometimes we need to let out our feels and emotions", he said.

A look at her and he saw that she was shivering. Draco took off his jacket held it in front of her. Hermione looked at him confused.

„Wear it, it's pretty cold and your dress is sleeveless", he answered her unspoken question.

„Won't you be cold then?", she asked.

„No, don't worry", he said.

She took the jacket and put it over her dress. The jacket was way too big for her and the sleeves were going over her hands. Draco looked at her getting comfortable in his jacket.

„Did you ever loose a friend Malfoy?", she asked while looking down.

The question came out of nowhere and startled Draco a bit. He thought about it before he answered: „I don't think I ever did, and even if, I never cared enough."

„Must be nice to not care", Hermione said.


„Because I get hurt whenever I loose a friend. I don't want to loose anyone once I like them. It makes me sad that all the memories, all the secrets and laughs I shared with them become a memory and worthless", she looked at him.

„But why would it make you sad? If it's their fault then they were definitely not worth it. Being sad over someone like that won't bring them back. Just move on thinking that they never deserved you in the first place", he looked at the school, which they could see clearly from their spot.

„Is it really that easy? Because I always tend to think that I was the problem, that I did something that destroyed our friendship."

„In a fight there are always two people, but one has a bigger fault than the other. The other person probably thinks that you're guilty, even though they are. But the ones that are guilty are also the ones that move on quicker while the innocent ones stay back thinking where they went wrong. It's humane and unfortunately you can't change the way people are", Draco stood up.

„So stop thinking about and forget him. If he ever annoys you just tell me, I'll take care of it", he held his hand for her.

Hermione smiled lightly before grabbing his hand and letting him pull her. Both of them went to the railing and looked down.

„To be honest, I always thought you were an asshole, but you're not that bad after all", she said.

Draco looked at her before he replied: „You're not so bad as well, Granger."

They still called each other by their surnames, since they had always done it that way. Everything changed fast and the impossible things suddenly became reality.

„Let's go sleep now. We have to clean the hall tomorrow", Hermione said.

„There is definitely a spell for cleaning", Draco replied.

„There is actually, but I won't tell you", she chuckled.

„Fine, I can find it out myself. Have fun cleaning your half yourself", Draco replied.

Hermione rolled her eyes before walking into the direction of their bedrooms. Draco followed her. As soon as both of them arrived there they made themselves ready for bed and fell asleep faster than they had expected. The day had been exhausting for both of them so they didn't even have the time to let their thoughts wander.

Hermiones last thought was only how thankful she was for having Draco as her friend now...


Hey guys! I hope you liked the new chapter. I finally have summer holidays and I'll try to write a bit more, I promise that everytime but never do it so yeah I'm sorry 😭 Anyways I
hope y'all have a good summer!

Forbidden Love|Dramione FFHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin