Chapter #5

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A knock on Draco's window let him look up from his books. He took a glance at his mirror and sighed.

He opened the window and saw Dobby standing there.
„What is it?", he asked coldly.

„Master send you a letter", he said and held the letter towards Draco.

He took it from Dobby.
„You can go now", he said to him before closing the window.

The creature nodded and disappeared.
Draco closed the window and sat down on his bed before opening the letter. He was kind of nervous to read what his father wrote.

Dear Son,

Your aunt and I are very happy that you became the headboy. Seems you aren't as useless as we thought. This year will be a very important one for you. You will step into your fathers shoes, feel honoured. But until that just try and focus on your grades and don't let that mudblood be the best student of your year again.
Also, who is the headgirl this year? I totally forgot to ask Snape about that.

                Your father

Draco sighed before he threw the letter on his bed and let himself fall onto his mattress.
What would he tell his father? That the mudblood became the headgirl? His father would probably faint.

He looked to his right. A picture of Draco and his mother was placed on the drawer. He hated pictures. He hated everything since his mother died. He never knew why Bellatrix killed her own sister.

But whenever he asked they told him to stop asking about her. Apparently his mother did something terrible, but he couldn't imagine what she could have done. His mother was the most generous women he ever met. She was always the nicest and the only family he had. His father just used him for his own purposes.

He felt cold suddenly, as if he was back in that night. He felt the goosebumps on his arms. Draco stood up before he went into the living room where he turned the fire in the chimney on.

It got a bit warmer immediately. Draco sat down and leaned his back against the couch while mesmerisingly starring at the fire.

He was wearing a short sleeved Shirt and he regretted it at that moment. He rubbed his arms to make him feel warmer.

After a while he just pulled his legs to him and wrapped his arms around them before he put his head on his knee.

He didn't want to become a deatheater. It felt like he would betray his own mother, since she got killed by a deatheater. But did he had any choice? He had to become one. He was raised to be one. It was already decided since the day he was born. And if he wouldn't become one, then his father wouldn't hesitate to kill him.


„As many of you probably already know, the Yule Ball will be the biggest event for you all this year. It will take place in two months, but we already have to prepare everything. Most specially the dance.

You guys also have to search for a partner, who will go there with you. As every years tradition the headgirl and headboy will open the night of the yule ball, so these two have to practice two dances. This years couple will be Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Granger", Mrs. McGonagall looked at Hermione and Draco.

All eyes were looking and searching for a reaction from the duo. But Hermione didn't show any reaction. She just pressed Rons Hand, who was sitting on her right.

The practice for the dances began. And Mrs. McGonagall came to Hermione and Draco and called them out. No one said a word and there was a awkward silence between them.

Hermiones heart was beating fast and she felt nervous. But she acted as if there was nothing. She looked at Malfoy, who was walking in front of her.

His walk was as always. Head up and walking as if he would own everything. He had an aura which was cold but confident.
He stopped and Hermione automatically stopped as well.

„You two will be taught by Snape today. Tomorrow I'll be the one teaching you since Slytherin will practice their dance tomorrow", McGonnagall said before she left.

Hermione wanted to open the door, unfortunately Malfoy had the same idea. So their hands landed on each other. Both immediately pulled their hand away and Hermione looked to her right.

She felt embarrassed and wanted to cry. Why did she have to end up being the headgirl with Malfoy? She hated him a lot.

Malfoy cleared his throat and then entered the room. Hermione followed him.

The room was the actual dance hall, which had to be decorated though. Hermione looked at it with admiration. It was huge, not as huge as the great hall, but still very big.

„I'm honoured with your presence Ms. Granger and Mr. Malfoy. As you maybe know, I'll be your teacher today", Snape said.

He started explaining the steps and Hermione and Malfoy listened carefully. Snape knew the dance very well for their surprise. But everyone knew his dance with Lily Potter was legendary.

„Now you have to do it together", Snape said.

Draco glanced at Hermione, who was glancing at him. She was biting her lip and Draco knew that she was nervous. He was too. But he was even more disgusted. Now he had to touch her. He was about the throw up.

„Hurry up", Snape said impatiently.

Malfoy and Hermione stepped forward before they stood in front of each other.

„Mr. Malfoy, put your hand on her waist. And Ms. Granger you put your hand on his shoulder. Use the free hand to hold the others hand", Snape ordered them to do.

Both of them did what they were told to, but they definitely didn't like it. They tried to keep a distance from each other so they wouldn't have to dance closely.

Hermione knew which dance they would practice but didn't know the step. And she was sure, that Malfoy didn't know them either.

And as soon as the music started both of them stepped on eachothers shoes.

„Can't you be careful?", Draco said furiously and stepped back.


How will Dracos Father react if he would find out who  the headgirl is?

Will Draco become a deatheater?

Why did Bellatrix probably killed her sister? Any assumptions?

How will the yuleball preparation go?

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