Chapter #8

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The day passed faster than Draco expected. As soon as his last class ended he said goodbye to his friends and quickly brought his books into his room before he left to go to Diagon alley. The alley was full of people and Draco had to be careful to not bump into anyone.


Hermione sighed. She didn't expect it to be that full here. She wasn't tall either so it was hard to see anything. She tried to go through people and kept saying: "I'm sorry", to everyone she slightly touched. She knew people were rude over here and there were a lot of wizards, who would just put her down because of her being a muggleborn.

Hermione pulled out the list, she already had two things and only some were left. These some second of her being unfocused were enough for her to bump into someone. She looked up and immediatly her heart dropped.

"You?!", she said.


Draco just wanted to enter the store when someone bumped into his back. He turned around to screw the one but then he saw who it was. He couldn't hold himself from rolling his eyes.

"You?", she asked.

"Yes, any problems? This is a public place", he replied and entered the store.

The store was almost empty and it was a lot quiter than outside. He heard her steps behind her. Both of them arrived at the shelf of the store owner, who wasn't there at that moment.

"Are you following me?", Draco asked without looking at her.

She didn't look at him either when she answered: "No, I just happen to need some things from here."

Draco didn't answer. He really was about to ask his bad luck. Why did he always have to end up with Granger? The coincidences that happened weren't even normal anymore.

"Hello, how can I help you two?", the salesman had arrived and looked at both of them.

Malfoy glanced at Granger before he ordered what he needed. The man gave it to him and Malfoy quickly paid for his stuff before he left the store. He just wanted to leave as quick as possible.

Hermione told the man what she needed and he brought it to her.
„I thought you and the boy came here together", he said to her.

Hermione just smiled. She didn't know what to reply. She put the money onto the counter before thanking the man and then leaving the store. One thing was left by now but she ordered it and would pick it up tomorrow. Her stomach was aching for food and she was totally done for the day. She decided to leave for today.

She arrived at Hogwarts and placed the things she bought under her bed before she left her tower to go meet her friends, who she found in the common room. Ron and Harry were busy playing wizard chess, of which Hermione still thought that it was barbaric. Ginny was sitting on the couch in front of the chimney and was doing her schoolwork.

Hermione hugged Ron from behind.
„How are you?", she asked.

„I'm fine, what about you? Did you get everything?", he answered while still being focused on his game.

„Yeah, I only have to pick up one thing tomorrow and then I'll have to go to get the unicorn hair with Malfoy", she replied.

„In the forbidden forest?" Harry looked up.

„Yeah, it's our punishment", Hermione put her hair into a ponytail.

„Isn't it dangerous though?", Ginny sounded a bit concerned.

„I mean, it kind of is. But we're old enough now and it's our last year here. I guess we know enough to manage to stay alive."

The evening passed by peacefully without any other inconvenience.
Draco hung out with his friends and for once he really enjoyed their company. Even Pansy, who he always found annoying, was a great company.

Hermione spent the time with Ron. They walked outside of Hogwarts for hours and she felt like she was in love again. The past days weren't easy for anyone of them. But now everything seemed to go back to how it was.

„I have to go back now", Hermione said when she realised that it was bedtime.

Ron looked at her. He didn't want to let her go at all. He didn't see her the whole holidays long and the past days she seemed busy and disturbed. But making her laugh today made him feel better.

Her eyes were shining in the moon light while she was looking at him. They mesmerised Ron every single time. And every time he questioned how someone as perfect as her could be his girlfriend.

He leaned in and gave her a generous kiss which she replied. When they finished Ron hugged her and both stood there cuddled for a long while.

It was a wonderful moment and both were enjoying it to it's fullest. Even if the night was cold, they didn't feel it. Hermiones head was on his breast and she could hear and feel his heart beating.

Her own heart was beating fast as well but she couldn't feel any more comfortable. Everything seemed to disappear and she knew no one could make her feel different than this.

Ron was her soulmate. He was her light in the darkness. Her rock in the wild ocean. And she wouldn't trade him for nothing.

She was more than thankful. She sighed before she released herself.
„I love you Ron", she said looking up to him.

„I love you too Hermione", he replied.

Both said good bye to each other and finally went into their rooms.
Hermione still couldn't stop smiling even when she was completely snuggled in her blankets.


Don't worry y'all, I don't enjoy it either to write Romione things. But dw we will get even better dramione moments. ;)

Thanks for 17k. I love y'all so much.🥺❤️The support is insane.
Feel hugged.

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