Chapter #19

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„So do you want to tell me where we're going?", Draco asked while they were walking.

„Well, we're going to my hometown", Hermione answered, not wanting to say too much about it.

„You mean to the muggleworld?"

She nodded. Now that Draco was by her side she definitely felt a bit better, nevertheless she didn't know if it was the right thing to do. Telling Draco about her mother was showing him a part of her she barely had shown anyone except for her best friends.

And even with them it took her a while until she could talk about it. Meanwhile Draco and her used to hate eachother and just became close some time ago.

„Will we go to the amusement park you once wanted to go? Back when we were searching for the ball gowns?", he asked curiously.

Hermione couldn't stop herself from smiling.
„I wish we could go there but unfortunately I think we have to postpone it again. I actually need to visit someone", she said.

Dracos eyes widened a bit.
„You're visiting someone? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I wouldn't have come along with you. I really don't want to be there like a third wheel", Draco complained while going through his hair.

Hermione chuckled.
„No don't worry, you won't be", she said while smiling at him softly.


Again Draco was impressed of the so-called technology of muggles. Everything seemed like it was working with magic, but apparently it wasn't.

Hermione and Draco chose to took a subway and Hermione had it hard to resist the urge of smiling at Draco. He took everything in very carefully and couldn't hide his amazement at all. He reminded her of a kid, who admired whatever came in it's way.

The subway was full of people and just the thought of being pushed around and standing so close to other people made Hermione feel uncomfortable. Sometimes she was very grateful for being a witch, where transportation was much easier.

Draco and her could have teleported but she decided to use the normal way since Draco seemed to enjoy it anyways.

The subway was, just as Hermione imagined, very full. It wasn't even rush hour yet there were many people in the train. Draco and her somehow managed to squeeze themselves in and just by his mimic Hermione could say that he wasn't enjoying it at all.

„Is it normal that people here don't care about a safe distance?", he asked her leaning a bit forward so she could hear him in all the rush around them.

„Everyone wants to arrive at their destination so they don't really care about it. They just squeeze themselves into the train", she answered.

Suddenly a new crowd entered and Hermione was pushed forward. She let out a little scream before an arm got hold of her. She found herself squeezed onto someones chest and that person was holding her protectively.

„Sir, you could at least apologize, you pushed her pretty hard", she heard Draco say.

Her cheeks started to flush with redness and her heart started to increase it's speed. It was a weird feeling and she didn't know how to deal with it at all.

„I'm sorry, I really didn't see her there", a man answered and she felt Draco relax a little.

„Uhm... are you okay?", he whispered sounding insecure.

„Yes, thank you", she replied.

„I know this might be uncomfortable but there's nothing for you to hold onto so I would suggest you to just stay like that, only if you don't mind", he said slowly.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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