Chapter #7

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„Oh look there's Hermione", Ginny said and the whole group looked to the door.

The headgirl looked tired and exhausted. You could see that she was angry and was about to explode.

„I guess the ferret did something", Fred said.

„They had a fight, and Hermione turned him into a ferret", George said.

„Negative, he's just entering the great hall as a human not as a ferret", Fred said.

„She doesn't looks pleased. She's going to explode, all be quit now and eat", Harry ordered and everyone followed his order.

Hermione took the seat next to him. No one dared to look at her.
„That stupid, arrogant, egoistic ferret! I'm going to kill him", she said.

„What's wrong Mione?", Ron asked worriedly.

„Everything!", Hermione said and hid her face behind her hands.

„Do we need to beat Malfoy up?", Harry asked his best friend.

Hermione looked at her friends with tears in her eyes.

„Holy shit, she's crying. It must be something very big", Fred said.

Hermione cleared her throat before she told them everything that happened.
Her friends weren't happy at all. They all were looking at Draco angrily.

Draco's friend didn't react differently. They also gave Hermione angry looks. The tension in the hall was strong. Everyone noticed that something was wrong between the Gryffindors and the Slytherins.

„That stupid girl, who does she think she is?", Pansy said, „Don't worry about her Draco, she's not worth it", she hold Draco's Hand.

Draco didn't like how clingy Pansy was, but for today he didn't have any energy to tell her anything. So he just observed everything.

„You weren't in the complete right too", Blaise said.

„What do you mean?", Draco asked.

„You called her mudblood many times", his friend replied.

„Yeah?! She called my dad ferret senior!", Draco said back.

He noticed how Goyle was trying to hold a laugh back.
„Goyle shut up", Draco said before he stood up.

„Where are you going?", Pansy asked.

„Into my room before Granger will be there, I don't wanna see her."

„You haven't even eaten anything", Blaise said.

„Yeah I'm not hungry", said Draco and left the hall.

Draco didn't straightly went into his room, before that he went to the astronomy tower. It was his favourite place to be in Hogwarts and the only place where no one would annoy him.

The cold wind of the night was blowing through his hair while he was looking into nowhere.


Hermione arrived in her apartment and straightly went into her room. She didn't want to see the ferrets face. Besides she had work to do.

The list Dumbledore gave them was hella long. And they had only three days. But it was possible to make it if they would devide the list into two.

Hermione started writing a list for Malfoy and one for herself. They had to get the unicorn hair together unfortunately so they had no other choice than to do that.

She packed the list into her bag. Hermione decided to go to diagon alley tomorrow so she could get the stuff, it could be that some ingredients wouldn't be available so she would have to order them and pick them up one day later.

The third day would be the day when Malfoy and her would get the unicorn hair and bring everything to Dumbledore afterwards.

Hermione went to Malfoys room and sticked his list on his door with a note saying: „Get those ingredients in two days."

After that she went to the bathroom and made herself ready for bed before she went to sleep.


Draco was tired but it was time to wake up. He stretched himself before he went into the bathroom. He purposely woke up earlier so he didn't have to cross paths with Granger.

And she was obviously still sleeping. After he had showered he put on his uniform, styled his hair and then wanted to go when he saw a letter at the outside of his door.

He saw the list and put it into his bag before he went into his room. He would just go there tomorrow to get them all. He didn't want to do it last second. As earlier he would do it as better it was.

He went into the library, where he searched for a little, quite corner to rest. His head was aching and he wasn't motivated for the day at all.

He wanted to hide in his bed and stay there for the whole day. A lot of things were going through his mind and were making it impossible for him to sleep in peace.


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HEY WE ARE 10K READS OMFGG! That's literally amazing🥺I love you all so much and thanks for all the support. I'm super busy because of school rn since we have exams and stuff going on and yeahh
Love you

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