Boyfriends! part//2

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Right before they reached the science room they looked at each other again and then at their hands which were locked with each other. "Maybe not for public display.. for now of course" Louis said followed by a wink. "I agree" Harry said giggling.

They walked back in the class Mr.Malik had put on a video for the whole class to watch. Louis shot Mr.Malik a nice wave then him and Harry walked back to their seats in the back of the room. They had to whisper since it was so quiet in the room. "So we still on for that date?" Louis asked whispering. "Yes! So are we just going immediately after school?" Harry whispered back. "Yes, you look perfect so no nedd to get ready" Louis smiled.

Harry was about to say somthing until Mr.Malik came over. "Boys can i speak to you outside?" Mr.Malik said some what quietly. The boys didn't respond they just followed the teacher out the classroom. Before meeting the boys outside Mr.Malik dimmed the lights and telling the class to pay attention. He then closed the door.

"Where were you boys?" Mr.Malik was concerned. Harry and Louis just looked at each other no one saying a word. "No-no your not in trouble im just asking you know because my student was really upset." Mr.Malik assured. Louis was the first to speak up, "yeah sorry Zayn, i was just calming him down. All we did was walk  around talking." Louis said never taking his eyes off Harry.

Harry shook his head agreeing. "Lou, your not aloud to call me by my name" Mr.Malik said. "I think its a nice name you know its fits you sir" Harry said laughing. "Plus your like 19  a year older than me and we like cool right?" Louis hit Zayn shoulder. Louis wasn't wrong his teacher was only a year older than him. Zayn being a student teacher was the same age as most students he had. Also him and Louis have always been best mates years before.

"Can I call you Zayn, we can all hang out later" Harry said trying to join in their conversation. "Yeah me and Harry were going to hang out you can join Zayn.. oh wait Mr.Malik" Louis said mockingly. "Do you really want to be caught hanging out with your past teacher?" Zayn replied. "It's not like your a 40 year old teacher. Your 19 for god sakes and your not my past teacher your my best mate" Louis smiled after.

"Yeah well thanks Lou you always been my favorite mate I ever had. And I can hang out later" Zayn replied quickly bringing Louis and Harry into a hug. "Now Mr.Styles you have a couple mintues left just go with Louis and wait in his car I will be there soon." Then Mr.Malik walked back into the class telling the students to get ready for home time.


"AYYYY MATE WHAT AM I EVEN DRINKING" Zayn said obviously really drunk. They boys decided on a bar to hang out at. They have been there for hours drinking and dancing. It was easy sneaking Harry in becausehe was tall and looked very mature... they did have to Id Louis. "I Don't even KNOW MAN THIS SHIT CRAZY"  Louis and Zayn got really wasted and Harry just laughed with them he didn't drink knowing he would have to drive even though he doesn't have a license either.

"SO MATES WE-WE SHOULD GO BACK TO PLACE TO HAVE MORE SOME MORE FUN!" Louis screamed making some older couples stare at the young lads. "YES I AGREE PARTY TIME AT MY PLACE!" Zayn also screamed as they wobbled to the car Harry having to help them.

"I don't know where you live" Harry laughed at the two in the back seat clinging on to each other. "He-here" Zayn handed him an address then passed out on Louis' shoulder.


Harry carried Louis and walked Zayn into the house and into Zayn's bed. They all sat there just all laying next to each other. Harry in the middle, Louis on the right, and Zayn on the left. Louis reached over and started full om making out with Harry. Harry was hesitant at first but then kissed back just as much. Harry was drunk but not as bad as Zayn or Louis.

"S-so am i watching th-this?" Zayn asked sitting up staring at the two. Louis crawled over the Zayn and sat in his lap. Well then Zayn kissed Louis and Louis did the same back. Harry layed back down watching the two. He didn't mind it well because he thought two sexy men making out in front of him was the best thing ever.

Zayn looked at Harry and dragged him over to his lips. Now both of the older boys taking turn kissing the younger boy. Harry didn't mind it he was really happy and him being the most sober gave consent for the boys to do whatever they would like.

Harry and Zayn's kiss was getting steamy thats when the strip show started to happen. Zayn was first who took off his shirt revealing his rock hard abbs and tattoos. Next was Louis who had a nice curvy body and a couple tattoos. Harry took off his shirt and both boys instantly loved the big butterfly on his chest. "You look h-hot" Zayn mumbled as he quickly went over to Harry kissing his tattoo.

Harry start giggling he sounded so adorable. Zayn made his way down kissing Harry. "C-can i Harry?" Zayn asked. "Yes" Harry responded before shutting his eyes tight.

         🌹🌻TO BE CONTINUED🌻🌹

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