Boyfriends! part//1

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Friend #1: Louis (18)

Friend #2: Harry (16)

Harry was sitting in science class when this older boy barged in. "Hey Mr.Malik" the older boy said. "Louis you can't just run in here anymore, your not even a student here" The teacher said. "Ey they said I can study in your class again. So where do I sit mate?" Louis said looking at all the kids in the class. "In your normal seat. Please dont disturb my class... anymore" Mr. Malik said as he sat back in his seat. Louis nodded as he sat in his old seat.

Harry looked over at the boy who was now sitting next to him texting on his phone. Harry was staring for a couple seconds until the boys eyes met with his. The bright green eyes were met with dark blue ocean eyes. "H-hi im.. im H-harry" Harry said nervously. "Hey im Louis but call me Lou, so have you ever had this teacher before?" Louis asked as he put his phone down. "No its my first year in this.. this school" Harry said shyly. "I've been here for 4 years so i can show you around" then Louis smiled at the boy.

"So you don't go here no more?" Said Harry. "Hahaha no..." Louis dragged out the O. "NO TALKING BOYS Louis do i need to kick you out?" Mr.Malik said firmly. "Sir je said he is a new student so I wanted to help the green eyes out" Louis said looking back at Harry. Harry put his head down in his arms because everyone looked at him. "Okay fine but no speaking any other day. Today I will allow you to speak all you want but thats it." Mr.Malik said going back to his lesson. Louis then moved his chair so he was closer to Harry.

"Hey, whats wrong love?" Louis whispered to Harry who's head was still in his arms. Harry shook his head but never lifted it up. Louis put his arm around Harry and rested his head on his back. They were in the back of the room so no one saw. After a few seconds you could hear Harry sniffling it sounded like he was crying.

Louis sat up again and layed his head directly next to Harry's on the desk. "Harry whats wrong?" Louis whispered. "Nothing" Harry said but muffled. "Follow me to the bathroom so we can talk, Okay?" Louis asked. Harry nodded and lifted his head up but covering his red puffy face.

"Sir can i talk to you for a second" Louos raised his hand. "Of course Louis come outside" Mr.Malik said. The two of them both walked outside and after a couple seconds came back in. The teacher went back to teaching and Louis walked over to Harry. Louis grabbed Harry's hand and Louis covered his face with the other hand. They both made there way to the bathroom holding hands.

When they reached the bathroom Louis locked the door and they both sat on the floor. "Talk to me and dont cover your face" Louis asked. "Im sorry" Harry then started crying again. "No no no dont cry please" Louis than brought Harry into a hug.

Louis pulled Harry's hand away from his face to reveal a crying boy. Who's bright green eyes were now dull and red. Who's bright pink rosy cheeks were now covered in tears. "Did i do something Hazza?" Louis asked. "No- i-i just am shy- and people looked at me... everyone looked" Harry said through tears and sniffles.

"Im so sorry this is all my fault" Louis than hugged Harry tighter. "Im going to make it up to you. Want to hang out later?" Louis said looking Harry in the eyes. "A-as a date?" Harry said smiling. "If you want it to be a date then sure. I love that smile its so pretty." Louis said giving Harry tissues from the bathroom.

After a couple mintues the both stood up and were about to leave. "I never want to see that beautiful face cry again." Louis said opening the door for Harry. Harry just smiled and followed Louis back to science. As they were walking Harry ran up to Louis and held his hand which made them both smile.


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