She's Mine

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Liam (daddy)

Zayn (Papa)

Niall (16)

Harry (7)

Louis (5)

"Im going off to work babe i will see you and the boys later" Zayn said that to liam as he walked down the stairs. He tried to whisper is so he wouldn't wake up Harry or Louis. It was only 5:40am thats when Zayn had to leave. Liam kissed Zayn goodbye then Zayn left. Liam knew Niall was all ready supposed to be up but everyone knew Niall wasn't going to get up.

Liam walkes up the stairs and opened Niall's door to see a sleeping child. Niall's blonde hair was sticking straight up and his face was red and warm. He is always like that when he wakes up no one knows why but its been like that for 16 years. "Ni wake up c'mon and also im leaving for work soon so get your brothers up" Niall mumbled some words that sounded like "ye d-dad i got them." Niall sat up but still didnt stand up so liam just walked down stairs. He saw the time say 6:00am "shit i have work" "yo Bye Niall Get the boys up!!" "Okay dad."

Niall got ready for school. Niall got to go into school at 12:00pm so he had enough time to bring the boys to play circle (daycare center). After he was dressed and did his hair he walked downstairs into the kitchen and cooked pancakes. He made sure to put some chocolate chips in for the boys sinse they loved those. He got sippy cups with milk in tjem and put them on the table. He then slipped away up stairs being quiet as ever.

Niall opened the boys room to see Louis curled up next to harry in harry's bed. [Louis was afraid to sleep by himself some nights so he just layed with harry] Niall woke them both up by putting on their favorite song <Adore Me> Harry opened his eyes to see louis holding his teddy bear in his arms. Harry ripped it out of his hands and stomped over to Niall. "Why are you so mad Harry?" All harry said was "MINE" with an attitude. "Dont say it like that or i will take you princess teddy bear away!" "Sworry Ni Ni" Harry than went downstairs while Niall carried the sleeping louis down following Harry. 

They got to the table and Louis finally opened his eyes to eat. Harry sat next to louis and when louis got his pancakes Harry made sure to slap Louis. "HARRY NO HITTING I SAID!" Harry teared up after being yelled at but he deserved it Louis didn't do anything. "I don't want Lou takin my teddy" "I wamb her I like it" "NO LOU SHE'S MINE" then Louis started crying. Niall was now getting little mad at the boys for fighting so he came up with an idea. "Boys when we all come back from school I will take Lou to the toy shop to pick out a teddy just like Harry's since daddy and papa won't be home anytime soon" 

 When Niall finally got the boys ready to walk outside for school he was so happy to see them being good. Even though Harry's and Louis' faces were stained with red lines from tears they were still good to go to school.


 After school Niall kept his promise and walked Harry and Louis to the toy shop. The boys had so much fun looking around seeing all the new toys that came out. Niall had to hold their hands tightly because he knew Harry would run off. He looked so cute with his younger brothers he really is the best older brother to them. When Louis found the teddy that looked the most like Harry's he had a huge smiled as he grabbed it and gave it a hug. "Ni mine mine I want dis" "Okay well lets go pay for it" 

 Niall spent $20 dollars on that teddy but he didn't mind because he loved his brothers and would do anything for them. The most special thing about the day is when they got home and while Louis was hugging his new doll Harry came over to him and said "Lou I got you a present". Harry then gave Louis his teddy and took Louis from him. Louis was just about to take it back but then Harry said "No Lou I want yours because I want to feel like I have you with me always and you can have mine so I can always be with you" that made Niall and Louis tear up. "you boys are so cute omg wait till I tell dads what you said." 

 So it ends like that lou and harry being best bothers Niall being the sweetest kid and loving and then their parents just loving their kids so much.

              What a happy family


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