Chapter 4

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I hear chatter and talking around me. I slowly open my eyes to face a white ceiling. Panicking I sit up quickly to find oddly clothed children with masks around their face around what I think might be a bed. One of them leaving the room through a door, wait is that a clear door?????

"Who... who are you?" I try confidently  but stumbled my words when I ask. I found the water in the air, bending to my will to protect myself. The current setting I am in is freaking me out a bit and hearing utter silence isn't helping with calming me down. Cautiously, a lean built kid wearing red, black, and yellow with a cape slowly approaches me. I assume this was the kid I saw before I blacked out.

The caped kid cautiously and slowly says, "It's ok, you are in safe hands, nothing can harm you right now."

I took a deep breath in and out, repeating until my heartbeat slows down a bit. Slowly lowering my hand back down to my side, the water evaporating back into the air. 

Calmly I now ask, "Okay then, Who are you?"

"Well if we are doing introductions, I'm Robin." Who would name their children after a bird?

"This is Kid Flash." He refers to the kid with raging red hair and what I might say a very yellow suit, with a lightning symbol on his chest. Now this kids name is interesting and odd, what parent would name their child "Kid Flash"?

"Why do have such odd names?" I ask with curiosity lacing my voice. Who on earth would name a child like that?

This Kid Flash flinched before straight out laughing out loud. Robin side elbowed Kid Flash's ribs. His cackle of a laugh subtled into chuckles, he raises his fingers to his eyes wiping the tears from his outburst.

"You're not serious right?" Kid Flash asked.

I slowly tilt my head slowly to what a dog's head would look like with curiosity lacing its face.

"No, I am serious. I am downright serious," I said added with a very intense stare. 

"Do you know what the Justice League is?" he asked.

"What the hell is a Justice League?" This questions made the jaws of the two children drop 3 feet down. They further explained what the Justice League. Of how they were the heroes of their world, protecting the innocent and fighting the injustices of the world. So really it was a team of Avatars. The heroes apparently had a secret identity and they had names like Superman, Aquaman, Batman, etcetera. Do they have originality when it comes to names? Jeez, what are there names seriously? And what's up with the "man" in their names? And seriously why "Batman", I would imagine this person being the brooding and boring type of guy. I would assume this guy would wear a bat costume?

The shuffling noise made a clear indicator that the clear doors open again. I still don't get how they would achieve clear doors, were they windows on door frames? The doors open to reveal a muscle bulky man with pointy ears coming out of his helmet? And is that underwear over know what nevermind, this just keeps getting weirder and weirder. These people have weird taste in clothing. This man has the most intimidating glare. His presence itself made the entire room into silence and the uncomfortable tension arises.

Robin breaks through the uncomfortable silence asking, "So what's your name?"

I hesitate a bit before revealing my name. "Ura, my name is Ura. did I end up in here?"

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