Chapter 16

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"Well boys, let's have some fun shall we?" 

It has been a while since I had an exciting fight. The last time it was this fun was when I was sparring with other students in Katara's water bending class. Now that I am a master water bender fights won't end as badly since the food stall incident where I nearly died. 

I willed the water to my hands, the gallons of the liquid armored my body, forming an octopus shaped whip behind my back. 

Takuga and his lackeys ready their stances either in a firm earth bender stance or glistening eyes of enjoyment to burn victims using ruthless fire. Looking through to each of my opponents, I start bending the water around me.

It make it seem more dramatic, I willed the water to make a cyclone with me being the center- the eye of the storm. Deciding whether or not I should let things end here and now or drag the fight. That was when I heard the noise, metal rubbing against metal, the sharpness and the sparks that came off the weapons. Immediately I knew who had arrived. 

I threw a big smirk to the Triad gang members, clearly they didn't know what was going to hit them. They hurled the fire at the massive cyclone, the once blazing inferno turned into nothing but little wisps of smoke.  

How Pathetic

Rock rumbled towards my cyclone, the earth grappled for my feet, only for the initiator to be knocked off to the sides of the alley with a whip of water. His body lump and cold from the water, groaning as newly developed bruises threatening to show.

The only threats that are left still in there fighting stance, the leader however continues to mock and throw profanity at me. I don't know how he kisses his mother with his mouth, but I have a feeling there was a reason why the mother left him. 

It was a standoff, none of us moved a single inch, which was an advantage to my part. Quickly, I rose the cyclone, pushing and pulling the water to make a ocean wave. I controlled the water to my will engulfing the Triad members with dirty fountain water.

Hopefully they didn't drink it. NOT

The wave pushed them to 12 feet up into the air, then I cooled the temperatures of the water, fully turned into ice. And again, moans and groans spewed out of their mouths. 

Clapping my hands and putting my hands on my hips. My job was finished.


I turned my head over to a young child running over with metal bender officers behind him. Mako ran hug my legs.

"Ura! You are alright"

He quickly glanced at the scence behind me.

"Omg, you are so badass, thats AMAZING"

I chuckled at his words, until the Chief in charge called for me. 

"Chief Beifong, it's nice to finally meet you." I kowtowed deeply infront of her. When I rose my head, I saw her crossing her arms and gave the expression of a semi frown, smirk? I don't know disapproval?

"What are you doing in this part of town kid?" She asked. 

She's definitely not so far off from Pema's description to say the least. A grumpy, disgruntled person.

" I was just exploring the city, since I haven't been outside the Air Temple at all and I have been taking care of Jinora for a few weeks already. I thought that I should at least get to know what city life is like and well fresh air...away from the Air Temple." I replied. 

If I wasn't quick to look I would have missed the slight soften of her eyes just then as it was immediately replaced with a scowling one. 

"Look kid, next time call for the police first before you get dangerous fights. I don't know what Aang or Katara will do to me if you ever got hurt."

And that's what going to make me stop fighting? I am not a damsel in distress.

I raised my eyebrow giving Chief Beifong a judgemental look.

"No you look Lin, I was in trouble and in an alleyway with a kid. What the hell was I supposed to do? Just run and run until I was at the police station? I am sure with my speed I would reach the station, but what if I wasn't? Should I let myself be captured by people who wanted to disgrace me and my womanhood?" 

The words blurted out and my face getting red as I was losing breath to shout at the woman in charge.

A sigh escaped Lin's lips.

"Just don't do that again Ura, I would have a lot of trouble in my hands if I find you playing vigilante in the city. Only use for self-defense, young lady." 

I quickly nod.

" I promise I won't Lin."

 This is why you never make promises you can't keep. Oh how wrong I was during that time, if only I knew. 

---------time skip a few years later----------

It's been a couple of years since that fight and I have been couped up in the Air Temple raising Jinora and the tiny baby, Ikki. That's right, Pema had birthed another human being and got pregnant again, AGAIN. It's like I am the babysitter for Tenzin and Pema. I have been doing nothing but train, eat, sleep, take care of the children. Teaching Jinora about spirits and their origins, and while she is an airbender, there were a couple of techniques I, myself a waterbender had learned over the years and I am happy to be passing it along my niece. 

I probably missed a few details, but I started a new sport, pro-bending. Well, I actually invented it. (Pro-bending is a popular sport that involves two teams of three , one from each of the three main bending arts. The objective of the sport is to gain as much territory within the ring as possible within three minutes, or, alternatively, to drive the members of the opposing team over the edge of the ring.) I had my years of craze and definetly the most fun, but I felt a bit empty on the inside. Like there was someting missing. 

I felt my place at the Air Temple was in a way not needed, besides babysitting and all. I felt like I need an adventure like the one Aang went with Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Zuko. 

It was set, I would be traveling the world to find my place in the world, to find myself, to find my identity. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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