Chapter 7

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A week later...

Ura was still dressed in her Water Tribe get up. The warm and fuzzy fur coat covering her skinny yet muscular figure, her pants baggy tucked into boots. Her posture slouching as she was still recovering from the aftermath of Unalaq's attack in the spirit world. She had spent the first week in the medical ward unconscious before the Heros let her out to explore. She walked around the so-called Watchtower, as the Heros described it and had learned that much about this new world that she was most likely going to be stuck in for a long time.

There were things in this world unknown to the time period in Ura's original world. The technology was way more advanced than her time, and it would take her a while to adjust to the sudden shift of change. She bet Asami would have loved to get her hands on these things to help grow Future Industries's products because of the company's decline after the attack of Amon and her father, Hiroshi.

Ura was fine with the fact that she could not go home just yet, but she was worried of her family and Team Avatar. As cheesy as it sounds, her heart panged as she misses their interactions and fights with one another. Well except for all the drama with Mako and Korra, Asami and Mako, Korra and her father. That, she didn't miss at all. Being a worrywart herself she still wonders how the battle with Unalaq has gone, he was incredibly skilled at that, she's got to admit, but Ura knew that Korra could handle herself well enough. Korra no longer needs a guardian, she could spread her wings and escape from the isolated life the White Lotus had scheduled for her. Of which, Ura opposed of.

One thought came another, it was then she remembered the Red Lotus. The terrorist organization considered to be the greatest threat to world peace and balance. Even though the main threats were locked up in locations unknown to the public, she's still concerned about the sleeper cells still hidden in society threatening the life of Korra and peace of the world. Without Ura, it would be one powerhouse gone from protecting the Avatar. She was sure someone would fill in her shoes. Oh! Chief Beifong! Actually just no, that woman is just a grumpy arse, the same attitude as her mother, Toph Beifong. Don't know how Katara could have stand her in her journeys with Avatar Aang. On a second thought, maybe she's a benefit in protecting Korra. Surely, she would do her best to protect Korra. Right? Right?!

There was laughter coming from the back of the hall, snapping Ura back to the present. She looked over her shoulder to see some of the League conversing among themselves. They seemed like a nice bunch to Ura even Batman with that glare of his seemed to have his moments here and there. He kept mostly to himself, Ura could tell that that man had a very dark past and a very dark aura, but along with that she felt light from him as well, which peeked her interest. The League most of the time would be "off-planet", still a term Ura could get used to. It apparently means to go to another place that is like Earth, but with different species and people. Ura could only make a comparison that it was like the physical world and the spirit world, but totally isn't wrong, but isn't right either. It was the closest thing she could associate it with that could make her understand.

She was shown around the place, Robin and Kid Flash--well especially Robin--had given her books and knowledge of the world she would need to grow accustomed to. She had been shown some of the systems of the Watchtower, and shadowed Batman and a few other Leaguers. Being a fast learner that she is, Ura understood the systems well enough and decided that if she was going to stay here--since she doesn't have anywhere else to go-- she might as well earn her keep.

So after talking with the others she started helping on monitor duty and janitor duty, which being a water bender helps with such a job. Green Arrow had a date with Black Canary that he didn't want to miss, so he had Ura cover for him. It wasn't like she had much to do besides learning of this she thought "Why not?!" It also helps with her not thinking about her world too much.

Ever since Ura woke up, whenever she had fallen asleep again, she would be in the spirit world. Which in her case wasn't exactly bright and happy, since every time she would be in the spirit world, Ura would be surrounded by darkness and growling sounds of mad spirts and a calling for her to go into the dark and eerie forest. It made it hard for her to fall asleep.

Now Ura was leaning next to the guardrails looking out at the Earth lost in thought. Wondering what will be next for her.

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