Chapter 18

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I felt so pumped and excited that Myles had come because frankly, I thought he wasn't going to show. I saw a faint flame in his eyes, it was different from other times. He was slowly opening himself to me and that's what I needed for him to be himself. He smiled but that didn't last long.

"Wow, Atticus, you're looking hot in your uniform," I glanced up and Harper was eating me with her eyes. She walked over with her friend Bridget on the side. I glanced at Myles who had already put his hoodie up to cover his face. Amelia gave me the evil glare. I felt Harper touched my chest as I grabbed her hand.

"What part of no don't you understand?" I kept my cool but I was losing my patience with her. The stadium was crowded and I didn't want to make a scene so I slowly put her hand on her side.

She leaned towards my ear and whispered. "I'm not going to stop until you give in," she pulled away as she had a vindictive smile on her face. She blew a kiss with her hand and glanced at Myles who didn't even bother looking at her. She giggled with Bridget and walked away.

"Hey man, the game is about to start!" I turned around and saw Jacob waving at me to go. I glanced back at Myles who didn't even glance at me.

"Hey, Amelia, go to the frat party after our win," I smirked at her but she didn't look impressed.

"Very cocky for your first game," ouch that hurt but I know I need to fix my friendship with her. We were best friends in high school but I shrugged her off. I know it was my fault but I do miss hanging out with her and laughing it up. I know she'll convince Myles to go because if I know Amelia she likes to have a good time.

"We'll win," I winked and smirked at her. I glanced at Myles once more but he was hidden in his hoodie.

"I'll see you tonight, Myles," I moved my head to see his face but he was deep in his hoodie. I nodded my head and smirked. I ran towards the field as I heard the crowd chant my name. Fuck, I loved this feeling.


They were chanting my name. I felt like a god as I felt thunder in my veins. It's like Zeus hit me with one of his thunderbolts and sparked a demigod inside me. I was ready to fight like the Olympian gods, fight with my team and my brothers. I picked up my arm and waved at the stadium. I saw my picture on the massive screen as everyone yelled and chanted my name.

Jacob came towards me and handed me my helmet. "You're fucken glowing bro, let's kick these guy's ass so we can celebrate tonight!" He yelled as we fist pumped.

We huddled as I called the game out. We got into positions when I heard my name being called out by the other team. "Yo, Atticus," some guy took off his helmet from the other team. Of course, it's fucken Keith Masterson, son of a bitch that Harper cheated on me with. "Get ready to eat dirt," he smirked as he put back his helmet.

"Don't listen to him, Atticus. He's just trying to distract you," I heard Jacob tell me but fuck my thoughts were skewed now. I closed my eyes and slowly opened them. I thought of Myles and his body cuddled with mine. I want that again and I'm going to prove to him that I'm not trying to play games.

"Ready!" I yelled.

Electricity roared through my body and they were about to feel the son of Zeus, the god of thunder.

The game began. We started a bit distracted and not concentrated. We huddled as I needed my champions to spark thunder.

"Come on guys, you can do it! We are Trojans! Jacob, I need you more focus, eyes on me. You can do this brother! We can all do this, let's throw thunder and light their asses on fire!"

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