Chapter 12

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I woke up sweating as I jolted up from my bed. I'm not sure if I yelled but my parents didn't come barging into my room. The nightmares were back, of him, I've tried so hard these past couple of months to forget about what happened. How does a 19-year-old, me, forget about a tragic event? How? I placed my hand over my chest as I felt my glassy heart pound inside. I glanced at my closet as the light was on and then I glanced at the light of the moon coming inside the small opening of the curtains. The silence in my room was like my dream, murky, and dark.

I touched my face as the swollen had subsided on my eye but I could still feel the sting. I touched the side of my ribs and it was still sensitive from the impact I had endured. I still think about what would've happened if Atticus never showed up, he was my savior and he will forever have a debt with me.

I heard the doorknob turn as I saw my dad's silhouette. "Hey buddy, I heard you scream, you ok?" He walked in and gently closed my door.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just the dreams are back," I told him. My eyes got watery but luckily he couldn't see them.

I heard my bed creak. "I miss him too but he's gone and we need to move on," I heard my dad's voice crack.

"Dad, he was my best friend, he was always there for me, how do I forget him?" My tears were like a leaky faucet. I couldn't control them. I needed to fix myself but it was difficult.

"I know, son. You two were like magnets, inseparable. God I miss him but I need you to get out of this dark hole you're in, he was there just like you, please be strong and get through this, please," my dad was crying. I could hear it in his voice but I could see the reflection of his tears from the moonlight that was coming into my room.

He pulled me into a hug as we cried together. The tough exterior of my heart cracked as I felt some dark liquid pour out. I felt some relief but I was still in pain. My dad pulled away. "Get some sleep buddy, your therapist is going to come here tomorrow."

"Ok," I said as I felt him kiss my forehead.

"Love you, son."

"Love you too, dad."

He left my room as I got comfortable in my bed. I laid on my side as my eyes slowly drifted into a deep sleep. I finally went into a deep sleep without a nightmare.


I woke up and I wasn't in the greatest of moods. My head hurt as well as my chest. I felt a tight pressure around my heart and it was annoying me. My eye felt swollen again but I went into my bathroom and noticed that the swollen had gone down even more. What was wrong with me?

I turned off the light as I held my chest, right over my heart. I swear I felt like I was having a heart attack but I wasn't. It was tight as my heart was desperately wanting to be free from the prison I caged it in. I sat on the corner of my bed as I looked at the gloomy floor. What was I doing to myself? I haven't unpacked any of my stuff, I live in a dingy room, and I close myself off from everyone. I just wanted to protect myself from the world and the universe. A universe that took my other half from me, life can be cruel but this was a sick and twisted universe that I don't want to be apart of, the only reason I'm still here is for my parents won't suffer from the loss of me.

Tears hit the floor as I got mad at myself for even thinking about this. Get out of your head, Myles. I told myself.

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