Chapter 35

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I glanced at Myles who looked hurt and surprised as well. He separated from us as we came into the building. I know he was looking from the top of the stairs when I was bombarded with photographers and reporters. I quickly glanced at him but our eyes never aligned, he quickly disappeared as I needed to continue my entrance. I did see hurt in his eyes. I'm fucking up big time and I needed to start mending our relationship fast.

Ken's eyes were full of rage. He wiped his mouth as he fixed the front of his jacket. I'm not sure what he meant with that statement but I'm pretty sure it's not to congratulate me. "Fuck, he did it again," he clenched his fist. "Please tell me you read the contract?"

I was lost for words, I didn't know how to respond. I remembered I signed the contract, Stephan left me an envelope with my bank card and left the contract on the table. Fuck, I don't remember. "I have it upstairs, what's the hell is going on?" I'm trying to figure out if I fucked up my career before even starting it.

"Let's just say he plays dirty, he builds his career as if he's god but later you'll see that you just signed your soul to the devil," his blue eyes flamed towards me. I glanced at Myles who was holding on to the edge of the counter. He looks like he had a few drinks too many.

"Can you give me a minute?" I glanced at Ken. He nodded. I stepped closer to Myles.

"Don't come near me. I'm done being your shadow. Do you know how I felt as you took pictures with Amelia?! Huh?! It hurt like a sword going through me," I've never seen Myles pissed but his words were slurring.

"Myles, not right now. Let me talk to Ken and then we could go could somewhere quiet and talk, please," I grabbed his hand but he slapped it away.

"I could go by myself. I don't need you," he leaned forward as his body swerved. I tried to help him but he pushed me away. "It was nice talking to you Ken, thanks for opening my eyes," he walked passed me as he bumped into my shoulders, this is not how I wanted to spend tonight. Everything was drowning into a black hole. I stood there not knowing what to do. I glanced at Ken whose anger had subsided, maybe from seeing my interaction with Myles.

"Atticus, I didn't mean to ruin anything for you," Ken said as I faintly smiled at him.

"It's fine, it's my fault. I've been hiding under a rock and...," I couldn't finish my words. I felt a lump in my throat. I don't cry but fuck I felt like doing it at that moment.

"He's been feeling the heat, trust me I know. I did it to my partner, Jacques but I've been hiding myself my whole football career. You're just starting and by the looks of it, Myles loves you. I saw it in his eyes, don't let your career dictate your life or you'll end up losing both. I almost lost Jacques and I did for a bit. He gave me an ultimatum. I chose football or him. I lost him for a bit but I was miserable. I needed my other half. My career tumbled and Stephan wasn't helping me," that's when it slammed into me. Stephan was his agent.

"Stephan was your agent?" I curiously asked. He nodded.

"I'll make this quick so you can get back to Myles. Stephan isn't who he says he is. Yes, he has the best track record for having the best athletes but he doesn't give one shit about them, only if you're a sellout. I know I was but I quickly saw his true colors. I wanted out when he wouldn't help me with the black lash of coming out. He told me I deserved it, his words stung me. I tried to terminate the contract but I had another year. I told him to fuck himself so he went to the tabloids and said I did drugs, that was the cherry on top of all my problems. He dropped the contract after that but it cost me a fortune and a whole lot of cleaning the mess he created—," he stopped as his face turned red. I turned around and Stephan was standing right behind me.

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