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The battle has been won. Hanno and his army of five hundred thousand of soldiers have been casted out of the planet, never again to come back, and the creatures are overjoyed and partied all day morning long of that cheerful day.

But for the Mystical Warriors, the Dryk'gar family, Divra, and Vaskàr's teammates, the victory came at a great cost: Octavo was slain by his ex-master, and they had lost one of their best fighters. Particularly for Titus, he was consumed in grief that he flew all the way gave to the creature's cave and was angered by Octavo's loss.

"You think he will be alright?" asked Brade.

Vaskàr, Haira, Harth, Roy, and Brade were in front of Vaskàr's mother's tomb: the tomb of Lora Dryk'gar sister of Nuallán and Magus and aunt of Magus's four daughters.

"For the meantime," Vaskàr started. "He is depressed of Octavo's sacrifice, but he will get better in days or weeks. When I had slain Hanno, I saw his memories. He was telling the truth, and I never knew he killed my mother."

"Now being a descendant of two of the greatest bloodlines on Earth," wondered Harth. "You be able to take on the entire forces of Årvondor. You are an heir from a family of skill combatants and a family of strategic forms of battle. You are truly one of a kind."

"That means," said Vaskàr, looking at his teammates. "I am not just called Vaskàr Kasai but also Matthew Dryk'gar. Two real names for one person. Matthew Dryk'gar on my mother's side and Vaskàr Kasai on my father's side. I can live with those for years to come. And that would explain why I finished my training so early."

"Yeah," agreed Roy. "And I'll admit: I am jealous and envious of you, Vaskàr. I wish I could learn and fight similar to you."

"I'm still not an expert, Roy, but I'm sure my uncle Magus can teach all of us to fight like a Dryk'gar," said Vaskàr, happily. "Last night's fights left us in great damage. For the future, we will need to be stronger, faster, and more heavily skilled with the skills of my mother's family. Now, I'm wondering where Alfro and his family members?"

"Vaskàr," said Brade. "You saw me fought Alfro's father. To get to the point, I killed him. I killed him with one of my maces and for good reason."

"Do tell," encouraged Vaskàr.

"I may not have a big mind but I have thought something about strength. I remembered about the Kraicù family having the Gift of Strength, and how a person can inherit that Gift if the person had done good deeds. To be fast, I killed Alfro's father and I ended the Gift of Strength in my own body."

"That would mean that why Alfro's uncle lost so easily," said Haira. "I saw him while my power was still weak inside the Temple. He had me cornered, and I was still weak when I wanted to fight back. But all of a sudden, a gargoyle came alive and dragged him out of the Temple so easily and both exploded in the air."

"Sounds like the power of this Temple has awakened," said Vaskàr. "Stones in this Temple don't come alive unless if the power has been awakened. Stone gargoyles on this Temple were meant to be used as symbols for souls that have been... you know... that live in damnation."

"I get it, but where is Alfro?" asked Roy.

"Right here," said a voice, appearing from behind the bookcases.

The five of them turned and saw Alfro within the bookcases.

"How dare you all that have ruined my life! Brade, you took my father and my Gift that was rightfully mine! The power of this temple took away my uncle! Now, I have nothing left in life. But be warned, Haira; I will have you!"

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