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Clouds black as night and red as blood hurled over a dark castle. It was much wider and larger than Rin's Temple. Big and small towers cornered every edge; thousands of guards were posted at every corner, edge, tower, and angle around the castle. Evil gargoyles' heads gave gruesome faces of horror, and they were placed on every tower. Blocks and bricks of steel were placed as the castle's main walls; a single drawn bridge made from steel swung close as a green dragon ran, having its wings folded and its body waving, and a guard yelled from above the steel castle's main doorway. A single guard, who was with other guards, saw the green dragon.

"We have some kind of animal abroad," cried the guard.

"Don't address about me, human."

The head of the green dragon raised his head toward the guard. "I am a dragon, not an animal. I am full of hatred and anger, and I have come to see Hanno. Spare this whole place of your warnings so that you may live to fight another day, human."

The dragon crawled through all the archways, despite some being smaller and thinner than the dragon was. The dragon made the smaller archways bigger and wider so he could easily walk through them. The green dragon easily passed five wall defenses, which held thousands of guards who didn't even take the risk to attack the green intruder.

At the main entrance to the castle's main hall, there were two thousand soldiers waiting to attack anyone or anything.

When the green dragon came, all soldiers held their spears over their shields, advancing slowly to the green dragon. The dragon made no expressions of fear on his face. He raised his entire front body in the air as he stood on his back two legs. The dragon snarled and roared out saliva and sparks of fire.

Slippery and slobbery, the soldiers lost control of their balance and fell to the floor. The sparks lit the dragon's saliva, burning any soldiers that were on the wet stuff.

The dragon forced to bang his body against the metaled door. After five bangs, the doors swung open. Limply, the dragon strolled through the main hall of the steeled castle.

It was a dark hall, filled with only torches. Windows hang from the ceiling instead of the walls. A single throne stood on the far side of the main hall.

There sat a man, wearing a leather-steel, plated armor. It was Hanno who sat on the throne. "What are you?" demanded Hanno.

"I AM FÁFNIR," said the green dragon. "I was the first Silver Dragon who was banished by his own kin from the planet. I am dragon full of hatred and anger. I want something that was rightfully mine before I was casted out."

"Fáfnir?" Hanno examined at the green dragon, which turned out to be the first Silver Dragon. "Now, I remember. You were the dragon that was gone for thousands of years."

"I wish vengeance and my wrath upon those who ruined my life," snarled Fáfnir. "Mystical Warriors."

"Mystical Warriors, you say," said a boy who looked like he was thirteen or fourteen. The boy was Alfro Kraicù.

"What did they look like?" two men asked, walking from the throne. They were Alfro's father and uncle; two men who were part of the Tyrant Three, along with Hanno.

"How about their names?" asked Fáfnir. "This is one name I'm sure you will absolutely want to hear from what I have to say."

"What is the name that may intrigue us?" asked Alfro's father.

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