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Vaskàr and Octavo flew above the tops of the trees and hills with unicorns and pegasi. They could see dozens of campfires with smoke flaring a red color. They both landed at the nearest campfire they first laid their eyes on.

Once they landed, Vaskàr's and Octavo's wings burst into white sparks that quickly disappeared. Once their wings were gone, they made their way toward the campfires. As they were passing some campfires, they saw dragons blowing out huge orange fire on dead oak branches. The centaurs and griffins were piling the branches into different piles, which most were big has the dragons, while the unicorns were using their horn powers to lift small branches to throw them into the bigger fires. The pegasi were flying through each fire and use their wings to prevent the fires from spreading around the ground the creatures were walking on. A few waterholes had two sea serpents and a few merpeople in each Vaskàr and Octavo passed.

As they walked further, they saw more and more dragons than any other creature that was there.

Octavo pointed down where two lines of fire were going to a dragon kneeling on a limestone table, with two red dragons behind him.

Divra's father, Nithhogar, seemed to be waiting for Vaskàr and Octavo. The Dragon King got on all fours and grunted to his guards, which made them fly in different directions. Nithhogar walked eagerly to Octavo and Vaskàr, the two Mystical Warriors whom he had been waiting.

"I've been waiting for the both of you," he said. "Octavo, this feast is welcoming Vaskàr into the world of dragons, unicorns, pegasi, griffins, sea serpents, and merpeople. It doesn't matter what the underwater people are called. But for the centaurs they're not so much believing that Vaskàr is really the Mystical Warrior."

"Centaurs," said Octavo, disgusted. "Such creatures with good skills in hunting, archery, and battles, but no imagination in their minds."

Nithhogar nodded his head in agreement. "Vaskàr, centaurs are really not so mild with new incomers. They sometimes too unpredictable against humans."

"Is it because that they're only half-human?" asked Vaskàr.

"Not really," answered Nithhogar. "You see, their early ancestors thought that a different Kasai came, thinking that the only son of Rin was you, Vaskàr. The son's name was Vyskàr. Many people and centaurs thought Vyskàr was you. The same almost bares resemblance to yours, Vaskàr. But the other creatures knew he wasn't the Warrior we aren't expecting. It was the eyes; his eyes were completely dark green. Yours are silver; the only kind eyes that no living creature, human, or animal had ever had. It is by speaking that only the One Kasai would have silver eyes, no other colored-eyes would mean that would be the Warrior. Only silver as the moonlight would shine in the eyes of the Warrior. This one line was predicted by Rin himself."

Vaskàr was very surprised that his ancestor was a perfect planner, for the future generations. If only he knew more about his ancestors, he would be great as them. But his whole life he spent was at a school and using his power and fighting skills, for defending purposes. Now here he was: an extremely important Mystical Warrior, whose is said to save the whole entire planet from total corruption that lies in the core of the planet.

Octavo walked in between in the gaze of Vaskàr and Nithhogar, cutting off their gaze. Octavo unleashed a gust of wind up their chins.

Both Vaskàr and Nithhogar were nearly flipped on their right sides of their bodies. They trembled to the ground, unhurt.

"Enough talk," said Octavo. "A feast is about to begin but Divra isn't here yet. Not even the other Mystical Warriors or Vaskàr's teammates or the Dryk'gars in that matter. We won't start until Divra arrives with the others."

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