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"That thing goes faster than I can run on the ground and fights stronger than I can fight on the ground," complained Vaskàr.

The first day was just painful for Vaskàr; he had to battle wooden figures that were five times faster than he was. Vaskàr took a beating to the legs and his arms. His legs stiffened and his arms swelled. But his machine arm stayed in his place; it was the only weapon he could fight against the wooden figures that were used for training Mystical Warriors' fighting tactics and awareness.

For hours, Vaskàr had to fight these things in order to get better at fighting so he could go against future strong enemies. Vaskàr's mind went ballistic after he had to go for hours of fighting with only one single stiff of his own.

At last, after hours of working and fighting against these wooden figures, the wooden figures dispersed and went into curved columns and stood like statues in a hallway Vaskàr fought in. Vaskàr (aching to get out of the hallway) walked crumbly to the nearest door. He turned the knob and opened the door. Once outside of the hallway of the Temple, he saw that dusk was nearing.

Out in the open, Wavador and Octavo were waiting for Vaskàr. "You, out of all Mystical Warriors, seemed to be taking quite the beating from the wooden figures," said Wavador.

"I have never fought that strong," stated Vaskàr. "Humans I fought against were very much weaker than these wooden guys."

"Those wooden guys are strong as a soldier of Årvondor," said Octavo. "If went to fight against one soldier, you'd be in the afterlife right now."

"But I'm still up, am I?" asked Vaskàr, hypnotically.

"In a way, yes you are," said Wavador. "But these wooden figures are only the first steps, or what humans call levels one and two. There are seven levels in the training exercises. On the average, it takes five years only to complete the first three."

"Five years?" said Vaskàr, not nearly surprised. "Not to be overconfident, but I think I can do this in one month or in two weeks."

"Good luck with you then," said Wavador.

"I'm always confident about certain events but too overconfident," stated Vaskàr. "If I am to lead the creatures in battle, I will need to master battle strategies that I know nothing of."

"There is one you always do that is the most ancient trick in the book: feign retreats," said Wavador. "If you do that to your enemies who are stupid enough, they will fall for it and you will be victorious over your enemies. Vaskàr, feign retreat is something you now have stored in your spiritual mind."

Vaskàr stretched out his arms wide and spread his legs wide apart. Vaskàr used his healing powers within his body and to heal himself. His arms were then felt hot like lava, his broad, red armor felt heavy like a house, and his legs were weak as if he was walking on them for days without any rest. Vaskàr became too exhausted that he had to fall to the floor. Vaskàr never breathed hard so much in his life.

"You know how to cast powers within yourself, Vaskàr," said Wavador. "But you don't know how to cast them outside your body. I sense you are trying to heal yourself. You know how to unleash physical energy within your soul but you need unleash natural energy from nature in order for you to grow more powerful than your opponents. Your powers from outside comes from everything around you. Molecules from the sun, from the leaves, from the grass, from oxygen to carbon dioxide, from nitrogen; these are some of many basic types of things Mystical Warriors need to be powerful. Very powerful.

"And unknowingly to the humans, molecules also come from the moon. So light and night are two sides of the same coin. We can't live without the sun and moon. Molecules are one of the important the particles we need in order to become powerful. Without the moon and/or the sun, the soul in physical form will cease to exist in the physical world, and we would be living in the afterlife. So if the moon and sun didn't coexist, no life could exist on this little blue planet.

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