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Olivia's pov

How angry would you be when someone wakes you up by pouring a bucket of ice water on you? Infuriated
Right, well that's what I am and that's the reason why I am chasing Xander with my slipper while he runs in the hotel away from me in 7 in the morning still in my pajamas

"Xander you Asshole come here" I yelled as I ran after him in the hallways holding a slipper in my hand

"Lia I am sorry please don't I am tired" He said panting

I was on track team when I was in the high school so I can run pretty fast

I was also tired from chasing him since he had made me run almost all of the hallways in this hotel.

I mean yeah I was in a track team and I can still run pretty fast but he is much taller and muscular than I am

Two arms wrapped around my waist lifting me from the ground by the smell I can tell it's Shawn

"it's okay babysis let it go look at the poor guy he is shaking from fear" he laughed looking at Xander who was sprawled out on the floor like a starfish heavily panting but still looking at me with fear.

I remember when we were a little younger when Xander used to steal my chocolates and then I used to chase him and then Shawn would held me like this to stop me from murdering the poor guy and then I would let go cause I am too tired and then we would go and sleep both of the doofus on my either side.

     Aah! golden days

  Why are you back?

    Cause I can

   Shut up go away you idiot

   Technically you are an idiot too.              cause I am inside you.

   Whatever now shut up

    Ouch ok fine bye. Don't miss me too much

I rolled my eyes mentally and let out a huff

"fine now give me a piggy back ride to my room" I said making him chuckle

"Anything for you princess" he said and I climbed on his back as we made our way back to my room leaving a panting starfish on the floor.

Everyone was laughing when we got back to my room

"no worries I am used to it" Shawn said and waved his hand at them and I just smiled sheepishly

Shawn lowered me to the bed beside a half naked Xavier who was looking at me like a fool

"we are here princess, anything else you want?" he said in a fake posh accent and bowed at me standing at the edge of the bed.

"No you are dismissed" I said in a fake posh accent coping Shawn and waved my hand dissmissing him, at this we all laughed and the gang went back to their rooms leaving me an Xavier alone.

I shifted closer to him and wrapped my arms and legs around him and then got on top of him he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly and sighed contently.

"We have a gang meeting at 11" he said after a few minutes of us staying like this wrapped around each other

I lifted my head to look at the clock and it was only 9 "it's only nine we can get up at ten now let's sleep for some time" I said and rested my head on his bare chest again

Soon sleep came over me listening to his steady heartbeats and even breathing Indicating that he is asleep as well

After what felt like minutes but actually was an hour we were woken up and told to get ready for the gang meeting.

We reached there and went in to see a long table and men sitting around waiting for Xavier.

"Good morning everyone I am sorry that I am a little bit late" he chuckled and almost seemed nervous

"That's alright" the one at the first left seat said waving his hand dissmissing it. Enzo was also there but he seems off he was playing with, his hands and was even sweating a little.

What is up with them? I saw Xavier give a little nod to Enzo and started the meeting

Us girls just stood there looking at everyone seated on the long as table while they spoke about the gang matters that had absolutely nothing to do with us

I had a bad guy feeling that something terrible is going to happen, I am trying to push it back in my head but this feeling is really strong and not ready to get pushed back in my head

The more I think about it the more anxious it makes me, I don't know what is going to happen

Will anyone get hurt? Someone other gang will attack on us? Xavier will get hurt? Shawn!!??? Oh my god I think I am going crazy

Suddenly Enzo got up his face showing pure anger and he just pulled out a gun and shot Xavier on the chest right where his heart was

For a moment everything stopped, I was standing frozen at my spot and the next moment I am sobbing holding Xavier's body waiting for, ambulance to show up.

"Xav please wake up. Please" I sobbed harder, shaking him and yelling at him to wake up and not to leave me alone.

The ambulance showed up a little while later and took us to the hospital

After waiting for a few minutes the doctors asked us to go inside

Aren't they going to do some treatment to him like what!?

We walked in and saw Xavier looking fine like there was nothing no Nada nothing not even an ounce of blood on him and he looked fine

"Xav!! You are fine" I exclaimed

"you don't look to happy" he smirked

"I am but you asshole you were shot in the chest" I yelled at him and he just pulled up an bullet proof vest with a golden bullet stuck on it.

"I am fine baby it was fake."

"How? What..??"

"it is a rule that you have to kill the leader of the gang for you to be the next leader. So me, Enzo and Shawn planned it since I cannot risk your life anymore" just as I opened my mouth to speak he showed me his hand gesturing me to shut my mouth and continued "I know, I didn't tell you cause you have to get a real reaction or else they would have known it was fake, since you know it you wouldn't be sad not like real anyways" I just hugged him tightly

"I love you"

"I love you more baby"

I kissed him and went back out to tell the others what has happened and that Xav is safe.


Author's Note

Ohhhhh how was the last chapter??  I hope you all like it

So this was what Xav was planning hmm clever.

So it's the last chapter. Epilogue will be updated by tomorrow noon or at night

Thank you all keep reading and don't forget to vote, comment and share

Hope you like the book

I love you guys so much

With lots of love

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