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Olivia's pov

We reached out of this deserted place within a few hours after reaching at some city I called Xavier, since there was no network in that area I wasn't able to call anyone

"Hello?" Xavier's cautious voice reached my ears making me sigh

"Xav it's me" I said

"baby oh my God!! Where are you? How did you get out? I am coming tell me where are you" He immediately started asking questions

"I don't know where I am at. It seems like a city" I replied and saw a Matt black Audi stopped in front of us the driver got out of the car and came towards us and snatched the phone out of my hands and placed it on his ear

"it's me Dom we'll be back" he said in a bored tone and talked for a few seconds after cutting the call tapped something on it and then crushed it under his feet

I gasped at him but he just walked away while both me and Ara gaped at his back

"get in" we immediately got in, now that I clearly saw him he is pretty good looking wearing a tight white shirt and black ripped jean paired with a black leather jacket a typical bad boy look

"who are you?" I asked after a few seconds of analyzing him

"your husbands cousin" he replied

"how do you know where we were?" I asked again

"it's a secret talent" he winked at me and then flipped his slightly long hair
Making both me and Ara laugh

He is pretty good

"now who is this pretty lady" he looked at Ara from the rear view after we had chatted a bit excluding Ara who was extremely silent gazing out as the houses pass by

"Ara and old for you" she said sweetly smiling at him

"wait what is even your age?" I asked

"21" he grumbled

"ha" Ara was back at gazing out

"oh same" I said dragging the last part

"I know but you are already taken" he pouted and I laughed

"by the way where are we?" I asked Dominic after a few seconds of silence.  What can I say I can't stay silent

"you can't stay silent for a second can you?" he playfully asked and I grinned sheepishly at him

"we are just about to reach the hotel you were staying at" he said that and started driving again

After sometime I fell asleep through the whole ride back

I felt a tap on my shoulder and opened my eyes to see an unfamiliar white ceiling wasn't I in the car with Dominic??

"Babe you awake?" I heard Xav and opened my eyes faster than you can blink and jumped in his arms squeezing the life out of him

He chuckled softly and wrapped his arms around me and started walking when I refused to let him go

After me and Ara took a shower and got dressed with her wearing my clothes since we were almost the same size and met everyone at the hall

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