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Unknown pov

"Xavier my man" I greeted him as he entered my office. He nodded and sat down in front of me

"Ava is marrying me," he said sulking in his seat

"What the fuck??!! I told you to marry Olivia and don't you like her too?"

"Yes I do but they asked them to decide who wants to marry me none asked me, dude. What do we do now?" He explained

"I knew that gold-digging bitch. We have to do something to make Olivia marry you. Think about it, tell this to Xander and Cole so they can also think what to do" I told him

"Alright, I'm gonna go now and ask them," he said and giving me the last nod he left
I need to do something soon

Xavier's pov

After leaving his office I called both Xander and Cole to my office so we can decide what to do with this situation

"Bro, what happened? why are you sulking?" Cole asked one he and Xander got in my office

"I'm marrying Ava"

"THE FUCK!?!" they both yelled

"We told to marry lia don't you like her"Xander Olivia's best friend said

"I do but they asked them to decide who will. They didn't even ask me and we need to do something to make Olivia marry me" I said and they sighed. after a few minutes, I and Cole sighed cause of no idea

"I got an idea, guys" Xander chirped

"Yeah what is it?" Cole asked hopefully

"Well, we can............." He explained to us his idea and it was actually pretty good

"Yeah that's a nice idea" Cole said nodding in approval

"Alright, then let me call him" I dialed his number. He responded after a few rings

"Got an idea?" Was the first thing he asked

"Yeah" and I explained the idea to him asking for his approval

"Perfect call Ava and ask her to meet you in a cafe"

"Alright, bye," I said and hung up and both the guys left
It was still 2 pm so I decided to call Ava.

Olivia's pov

I and Ava were watching BTS Bon voyage season 2 after lunch. It was 2 pm as her phone rang she looked at her screen and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion

"Who is it?" I asked her


"Put it on speaker"

"Hello, Ava?" Stranger said


"It's Xavier"

"Oh Hi Xav," she said and I smirked

"Oh yeah, so I called to ask you if you are free at 6 pm?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You know since we are getting married we could get to know each other. Oh, and I heard that you design clothes so can you bring your designs I want to see them."

"Oh, of course, I'll be ready at six and bring my designs too. umm, how do I dress up?"

"Casually. I'll pick you up at 6 from your house"

"Alright bye" as the cue my phone rang and it was Xander my best friend

"Hey Xander" Ava has not hung the phone yet and both were listening to me as my phone was on speaker

"Hii bae. I was wondering if we could hang out today"

"Yeah, I'm free. Cause someone is ditching me while watching Bon voyage season 2" I said as I eyed Ava

"Oh, I'll pick you up at 6. We can go to the cafe nearby"

"Kay I'll be ready. Bye Xanny"

"Bye bub," I said before hanging up

"Are you going to hang up?" I asked Ava and she immediately hangs up
We watched on voyage till 5 and decided to take a long shower changed and added some mascara and lip balm

When I got down Xavier, Ava, and Xander were already there

"Here comes my best friend" Xander ran towards me and picked me up. I squealed as he started spinning me and hugged me

"I missed you"

"Me too"

"These two are also going to the cafe nearby so we are going together"

"Ok let's go"
We left the house to the cafe and sat down Ava and Xander were in front of me and Xavier sat beside me

Xavier's pov

When Ava called me Xav I didn't like it even a little bit but I did not tell anything

As we sat on the table I casually asked Ava

"Hey Ava can you show me your designs"

"Oh yeah here" she passed me a book there were many beautiful designs of clothes. She is really very talented

"Can I take snaps of them they are very beautiful"

"Yeah sure thank you"
I quickly took snaps and gave Xander a nod when they were not watching

"Why do you need snaps?" Liv asked me suspiciously raising a perfect brow

"Her designs are really good and I have a few fashion designers as friends so I can send them these snaps. If they like it Ava will be beneficial." I said


We talked for a few minutes and left the cafe at 8 pm


A/N: sorry for the short chapter
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