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Xavier's pov

After coming back to hotels we started making plans of how to rescue my wife.

Enzo is trying to hack their location through the tracker which we have planted in liv's wedding ring

Nothing has been found till now though it is nght and it has been a few hours since we started searching

I had ordered all my men fo search every damn emty place and abandoned warehouses in Italy, I have  enough men in my gang to search the whole Italy

I need to find her immediately

"hey man, where's the locket?" Shawn asked me

"I have it" I said and took it out of my pocket

"let's destroy it" he said

"look if he got to know that there is no chip now then he will let Olivia go cause there will be no use of her then" I widened my eyes in realization and nodded slowly and gave the locket to him. I think that destroying the locket will be the safest way if he knows that we still have the locket then he may hurt liv and i definately can't stand that.

2 days later 

Olivia's pov

It had been 2 days since I am here in this dark place all tied up to a rusty chair, I have not had a single drop of water of food since they have tied me here my face, arms, stomach are severely bruised.

a lady maybe a little older than me came yesterday with a set of clothes which consisted of a white t-shirt and black shorts. she was with me all the time I changed and went back after giving me some food she bought secretly for me. she was actually very nice, aparantly she was forcefully bought over by Alberto and his men and then he never let her go after I ate something and drank some water she called the guards who were guiding my door back in to tie me up again. 

I wonder when xav and the gang will find me, I cannot wait for them I have to escape on my own I squinted my eyes and looked around the dark room to find something luckily there was a little window just above a table. I have barely noticed anything the past 2 days cause after they beat me they drug me which makes me lose my conscious automatically. I have to think of some thing really fast.

they come in to give me food a few hours later with the lady that gave me clothes, she is feeding me the past 2 days while the guards stand by the door observing everything 

"where is that bastard??" I asked 

"boss will be out for a few days" one of the guards reply 

I thought for a few seconds befor speaking again

"oh my god! I think I got on my period right now" I exclaimed Ara- the lady- looked at me suspiciously and I shot her a pleading look nooding at me she sent the guards out and then asked me what's going on 

"can you somehow sneak a phone. I am planning to get out" I whispered and her eyes widened 

"since that bastard is away I think I can manage something" her eyes watered and she nodded rapidly. 

"I was not able to get out but I will happily help you dear" she pecked me forehead before feeding me proprly and went out again 

if I sit here hoping that they will come and save me then I would have to get betean heavily I am already heavily bruised and I can't again deal with it. 

I have a pocket knife in my bracelet which is really sharp thanks to Enzo, so I can cut my ropes with it and then kill the two guards guiding the door.and maybe then I can escape this place with the phone Ara brings.

They left after drugging me again, soon I lost my consciousness and slipped into darkness.

I don't know when I woke or if it was morning or noon or night, don't know the time. I only know that I have to work on my plan today when they come in again.

I was extremely anxious, what if I fail, what if they find me and torture me until I die

No no no not the negative thoughts, I think i can handle them Shawn, Cole, Xavier and Enzo had tought me how to fight. I am pretty sure I can handle a few men

I sighed in relief when Ara came in and gave me a little nod with a biggggg smile on her beautiful face

She sat beside me and slipped the rectangular device in the pocket of my shorts. Thankfully there were front pockets in the shorts.

As she was feeding me I silently cut the ropes but acted like I was still tied to the chair

After she finished the guards nodded at her to leave she walked to the doors and stopped then after locking the door silently she turned around placing a finger on her lips. She picked a big rod I didn't know was there and came closer slowly

By now the guards were slipping the pills in my mouth I didn't swallow the pills though just kept them on my tongue and closed my mouth

Just as they were about to turn me and Ara both attacked at the same time, she hit the guards head so hard that he passed out at the spot and I sliced the neck of the other one the same I used to cut my ropes it was pretty sharp. I spit the pills back out.

We silently cheered and went towards the small window which was big enough for us to slip past.

I quickly got on top of the table that was below the window followed by Ara. I think the luck is on my side today the window was open so we quickly jumped out of the window.

It was nearly noon and pretty deserted here I think we were in an abandoned mansion. Ara then pulled out a bottle of water from her skirt which had a big pocket stiched there
There were two bottles so we drank a little and then started walking

Hah!! I am finally out!


Author's Note

So this is Ara

I know I am alive and so so sorry for the late updates the school is giving us a shot ton of work to do so I am not able to write more and I am writing the next chapter now so it will be published after a few hours or tomorrow max

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I know I am alive and so so sorry for the late updates the school is giving us a shot ton of work to do so I am not able to write more and I am writing the next chapter now so it will be published after a few hours or tomorrow max

Please understand and thank you for reading my book hope you like it

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With lots of love

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