chapter three

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If I'm remembering correctly;
Anzu calls Tea at English dub while Honda calls Tristan... :P

Kaiba breathes heavily after a hard and pretty long fight.
Neither of them wanted to throw in the towel and they fought into the bitter end.
The brown haired man looks asking at his duel disc and clicks his tongue frustrated.
0 Life point.
Yami blinks confused and looks at his own duel disc.
0 Life point like Kaiba.
It's a draw.
"Now what?" Kaiba asks snorting.
He had almost forgot the reason they had started the battle in first place.
How his life depends on the outcome of the game.
Yami flinchs and looks asking at the much taller man.
"I-...I Don't...Know..." he stumbles with the words.
Kaiba raises an eyebrow.
"You don't know?"
Yami clears his throat.
"Perhaps it will be somewhere in the middle?"
"In the middle?"
"Yeah..." Yami nods.
"Perhaps I will let y-..." he managed to add before Kaiba stumbles around.
"Did you feel that?" Kaiba asks since he just felt some kind of earthquake.
Kaiba shouts shocked when the ground below him starts shaking again and make him stumbling around with his arms outreached to the sides to keep balance.
The ground starts grumbling and before he knew it, the ground torns apart under his feet.
Kaiba gasps loudly while he falls deep into the tunnel of darkness.

Seto opens his eyes gasping and notices how men in green are looking down on him there one of them holds defibrillators above his chest.
"He wakes up..." the man says and put away the weird irons he used few seconds ago.
Kaiba starts looking around and notices how he is inside an ambulance there two men are taking care of him.
The doors to the ambulance are open and the rain keeps falling there a group of people are holding their breath.
One of the men in green clothes checks his pulse and heartbeat.
Then he starts lighting at Kaiba's eyes with a small red flashlight.
Kaiba peeks his eyes bothered of the light and grunts while he holds an arm in front his face.
"I'm...fine..." he grunts.
"He is ready to get taken to the hospital" that man next kaiba says over his shoulder against the other worker behind him.
The other worker nods and looks out at the group of people.
"We will take mister Kaiba to the hospital now... His closest family can keep him company"
The crying Mokuba nods and walks into the ambulance there the worker closest the doors helps him in by pulling him up.
The soaked boy from the rain walks against the examining table there the harmed older brother lays.
"Seto-..." he sniffs.
Kaiba's heart beats painfully when he sees Mokuba's sad and worried face.
"I'm here Mokuba..." Seto says and reaches out an arm and grabs Mokuba's hand gently.
The little boy starts shaking as he is either cold from being soaked of the rain or as he is about to starts crying loudly. Or of both reasons.
The boy starts sobbing loudly while the doors to the ambulance gets closed.
Mokuba throws his upper body over Kaiba's chest and make the man to grunt of pain.
"SETOoo-..." he cries with his face buried at Seto's chest.
The ambulance starts driving away from the mansion.

Since Seto was in the ambulance he missed how Yami curiously looks against him from behind of the tree.
"It seems we will be stuck with each other awhile, kaiba" Yami says while his millennium puzzle sparkles a bit.
Yami sneaks away and walk against the big mansion no one are keeping an eye at since everyone are crying outside and looking at the ambulance who drives away  with the kaiba Brothers.

Three days later Kaiba sits at the bed on the hospital there he looks asking out through the window next the bed.
The sky is bright blue and almost no cloud can be seen.
The door opens and Kaiba turns his attention to the door there Jonouchi enters the room.
Kaiba sighs and looks away.
"Who let the dog in here? Isn't there some rules there dogs aren't allowed at the hospital"
The blonde man with green jacket flinchs and clenches his fist.
"What did you said!?" He asks angrily and tries walking against Kaiba and let him know one thing or another.
But Honda grabs him from behind with his arms crocked under Jonouchi's armpits.
"Don't let him get you Jono..." Honda tells his best friend.
The flushed man mumbles some muffled words and seems trying to cool down a bit.
The little Yugi  and Anzu pass the other two.
"How are you feeling Kaiba?" Yugi asks and waves his hand.
Kaiba glances curiously at yugi.
It seems it's the normal yugi and not the king of the games.
Kaiba exhales.
"I'm fine yugi..."
Yugi nods and walks against the bed there he sits down on the edge of the bed.
"Good... I heard from the doctor just a minute ago you will get home today"
Anzu nods.
"Mokuba will get happy of hearing the news... Should I call him or you will call your own brother Kaiba?" She asks and takes out her cellphone from the small shoulder bag.
Kaiba shrugs.
"You can call him... And ask him if he can get the car here..."
Anzu nods and starts calling the youngest of the kaiba Brothers.
She puts the phone against her ear while she walks against the window there she looks out on the streets outside the hospital.
Kaiba looks asking at the three men.
"How come you came? We aren't friends..."
Yugi smiles widely.
"Of course we are!"
Kaiba raises his eyebrows and swallows sharply.
Few thoughts of them being friends have crossed his mind sometimes.
But he never actually thought they were friends at real.
Kaiba snorts and crosses his arms.
"Okay... Perhaps I can see you as my friends who have a dog"
Jonouchi wides his eyes and gasps loudly.
"Who did you call dog again!?" He stamps with his feet angrily.
"Oh boy" Honda exhales and looks up at the ceiling while he keeps holding Jono.
Kaiba chuckles and isn't noticing how Yugi smiles softly against him.
"Hi Mokuba..." Anzu suddenly says and startles Kaiba.
Seto looks asking at her back, trying to hear what she are talking about with his little brother.
"I just wanted to tell you the doctor told us Kaiba will get home today" she giggles.
"Yeah right!" She nods.
"Isn't that lovely" she smiles fidgeting.
"Oh..." she exhales freezing.
"He wanted to ask you if you could get the cat here soon" she says and stand up on her toes.
"Perfect!" She shouts happily.
"Bye bye" she says before she hangs up and turns around.
The men in the room are looking asking at her.
"The car will be here about a half hour" she informs them with a wink with her eye.
Yugi nods.
Kaiba exhales smiling.

When the gang starts walking out from the room after a half hour, Kaiba sits upright.
"Yugi-..." he suddenly says and make the small man turning around. Humming thoughtfully.
Kaiba gulps.
"I want to speak with you... Alone"
The other walks out from the room and leaves them alone.
Yugi walks back to the bed and sits down again.
"Something wrong Kaiba?"
Kaiba chuckles.
"Perhaps you will believe I'm some kind of nutcase... Or that I got my head hitted pretty bad... Or maybe you will just see me as some hypocrite" kaiba shrugs.
Yugi tilts his head.
"What are you talking about?"
Kaiba looks into yugi's big purple eyes.
"Have you seen the other you recently?"
Yugi gasps.
"The Pharoah?!"
Kaiba nods.
Yugi shakes his head.
"Neh-...I haven't seen him since our battle and we parted ways..." he answers sadly and inhales deeply as he tries stopping himself from crying of the memories.
Yugi looks asking at Kaiba.
"Why do you ask?"
Kaiba starts blushing and clears his throat while he looks away.
"I-..." he cover his mouth with his hand.
"I saw him when I were dead... I thought...Maybe..."
Yugi wides his eyes.
Then Kaiba starts laughing nervously.
"Perhaps that was just a dream... Forget it... Okay?" He begs and lower his hand and looks begging into Yugi's eyes.

The moment Kaiba gets home his little brother throws himself in Kaiba's bosom.
"SETO! Finally...You are back home" Mokuba says happily and embraces his brother while he tears up.
Kaiba smiles and hugs Mokuba back.
"And I will never leave you like this again... I promise little brother" he says and pets Mokuba on his long black hair.
They are celebrating his getting back home with pizza.
It's not often they are eating fast food, but they felt they wanted eating something special today. And pizza was the winner.
The day was pretty simple and Kaiba and Mokuba were playing games with each other. Like chess and video games.
Kaiba won at chess without any problem, but he had some struggling at Mario kart there Mokuba ended as the winner.

By eleven o'clock they said good night to each other and parts way.
Kaiba opens the door to his bedroom with a wide smile.
He closes the door behind him when he had entered the room.
"You look pretty happy... Something good happened?" Yami asks from the bed.
Kaiba jolts gasping and looks asking at the half naked Yami dressed in one oversized white shirt. Which is probably Kaiba's shirt.
"Yami?" He wides his eyes and can't believe what he sees.
A weird feeling overwhelms him and he presses his legs a bit together.
"Welcome back home Kaiba" Yami smiles and pulls one leg against his chest and puts a hand on that leg's knee...

I deeply apologies for taking forever with updating this book... I kind of got writer block and zero inspiration for the story...

Then I kind of started remembering the story as it completely sucked...And my motivation was still zero because of that xD...

These last days I started thinking I should perhaps just erase the story and behave as it never happened in first place...
But I gave it a chance; "Let's read the book once...And if it sucks I will delete it... And if it's okay, I will update it soon" I am... Updating the story x'D haha!
Please... If you want updates and I'm taking forever to update, write a comment or two and I will do my best to update any time soon~

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