chapter eleven

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Yami is sitting with one leg on each side of Kaiba's hips while the brunette is laying down on his back.
Kaiba seems being somewhere else in his mind than in the bedroom with Yami riding his dick.
The oldest brother seems not being himself lately. Especially not after that day there Mokuba fainted and the doctor waved him off as being healthy.
Even the tricolored haired man feels something is wrong.
No way Mokuba could be sick like this without a good explanation. Especially when the number of his lifespan was acting that weirdly as it did.
  Kaiba's face is turned a slightly against the night table there his cell phone is.
He has made sure to have a camera in Mokuba's bedroom until further notice.
Kaiba checked Mokuba's bedroom about five minutes ago, but seems as he wants to check on Mokuba again.

Yami inhales deeply before he focus his red eyes at Kaiba's forehead.
Using his ability to read other people's lifespan.
Like how it happened with Mokuba, Seto's number is glitching as there are some kind of bug.
Yami raises an asking eyebrow.
Is it his own powers who are failing him? Or are there something wrong with both Kaiba and his brother? Are they connected somehow?
But then... Why is Mokuba the one who are getting sick while Kaiba seems fine?
Yami inhales jolting.
Can this be the consequences of their game in the land between afterlife and life?
Could the consequences of the draw between them at magic and wizards be this?
That, Mokuba is taking Kaiba's place instead?
Yami shivers a little of the thought.
Kaiba gasps jolting when his eyes glances at Yami and notices his bothered face.
"Something wrong Yami?" Kaiba asks with a gently and soft voice.
Kaiba's words of love and concern are embracing Yami's body and make him to stop shivering as he had a cold.
Yami exhales smiling.
"I'm fine Seto..." he lies since he doesn't want to make Kaiba more worried than he already is.
Kaiba smiles gently and places his hands on Yami's hips.
"Good... I don't want you troubled... Tell me if something ever troubles you, okay?"
Yami nods.
"I will... Thank... You know I love you huh?"
Kaiba chuckles.
"Yeah I do..." he says while he sits up there he caress Yami's cheek while he starts kissing him softly.
Yami moans against his lips.
Then he starts closing his eyes while he runs his arms around Kaiba's broad shoulders.
The tricolored haired man furrows his eyebrows of the thought that he is perhaps one of the reasons Mokuba is sick now.
Even if he knows he couldn't do something about it.
He as the reaper has rules to obey, so, he couldn't granted Kaiba's wish to get back to life even if he wanted to.
But he could give Kaiba the chance to duel about his fate.
The consequences of the termination of the duel couldn't he control more than; if Kaiba lost he would stay dead and if he won, he would got back to life without any struggle.
Yami didn't knew what the outcome as a tie would become. Neither for himself nor Kaiba.
As said; he had some rules to obey, the problem was his pride.
He could lost the duel with purpose if he wanted. But nooo... His pride couldn't let him.
Instead he fought with everything he could. With victory in mind as always.
Perhaps he is still the dick Yugi thought he was when he was willing to let Kaiba die outside Pegasus's castle.
That time when Yugi wanted to save his grandpa's soul while Kaiba wanted to rescue Mokuba.
Yami thought he had been a better person since that day, but maybe he hasn't?
He even once lost Yugi's soul because of his selfishness and stupid pride.
When will he learn?
When will he stop risking the people he loves since he is a selfish child who want everything he points at? Wanting to win to every cost.

Yami presses his lips more rougher at Kaiba's and starts deeper the kiss by letting their tongues stroking hungrily against each other.
Perhaps Yami's rotten personality is the reason why he and Kaiba mostly work great together. The reason they seem attracting each other no matter which reincarnation they are.
Kaiba is strong and seeks more power than he already has.
Maybe their desire to be the best is the reason they love each other.
Since they can understand each other's feelings and what the other person seeks. Which others find hard to understand.

Yami pants and breaks the kiss.
"I love you too, my dear Pharoah..." Kaiba whispers softly with heavy breathing.
Yami jolts and looks asking at Seto, expecting to see the priest; Seth.
He exhales snickering and makes Kaiba to raises an eyebrow.
"If you do...Then show me your love..." Yami smirks teasingly.
Kaiba snorts and places his hands on Yami's waist.
"Alright then..." he agrees and starts shifting himself and Yami in same movement there he places Yami gasping down at his back while Kaiba leans over him.
Yami giggles playfully and starts touching the end of Kaiba's hair at his backhead by his neck.
Kaiba inhales with closed eyes.
Then he exhales through his nose and opens his eyes with a smile.
The brunette starts moving his hips and thrusting his dick into Yami's backside.
The movements make Yami to groaning and fidgeting of arousal.
Kaiba starts panting a slightly and the sweat is glistening on his muscular body.
He has been really lucky with his appearance; handsome and tall with slender body with broad shoulders and easy to build muscles.
It seems as Mokuba hasn't been lucky as him. It's like his little brother and he, don't have same parents. At least as they aren't sharing the both parents together.  It would sound more truthfully if they'd said they were half-brothers.
Mokuba has the same childish look as Yugi has. Short and with innocent look like children use to have.
While kaiba is the opposite.
Tall with a stern face as he has lived another lifestyle than Mokuba had. A rougher life. Which he kind of had.

Kaiba starts thrusting faster into Yami's sweet ass.
His moaning are hidden in his panting when he is thrusting his hard dick into the familiar hole he has fucked many times.
It isn't taking long time before he starts filling the hole with new, fresh semen to remind Yami who owns him.
Yami gulps and tilts his chin up when he feels how Kaiba is filling him up.
When Kaiba is finished, he lays down on the side, beside Yami there he starts jerking Yami's dick off.
Kaiba is staring fascinating how Yami's legs rub arousal against each other when his hand is moving across Yami's hardon.
Yami's cute whimpers are as music in his ears and he moans softly.
The tool in his hand jerks at last, Kaiba's curious eyes moves from Yami's legs to his dick.
Soon after that, sperm starts leaking out from the member.
At first the semen is running along the stick and Kaiba's hand, then a batch shoots out from the jerking dick while Yami whimpers moaning.
Kaiba places a soft kiss on Yami's cheek while his hand is finishing the job.

Later they fall asleep without knowing what will happen next.
How Mokuba's health suddenly drops faster than before, and without someone to keep an eye on him...

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