chapter twelve

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Kaiba holds his little brother's hand while he leans against his hand, with silent tears falling along his cheeks. Some of the tears drop down at Mokuba's lifeless hand.
They are back at the hospital.
This time has Mokuba fallen into coma.
Yami stands by the corner of the room, watching over the kaiba brothers.
He can't stop blaming himself. Taking the whole blame for Mokuba's health.
Yami inhales deeply to explain to Kaiba it's probably his fault that; Mokuba has fallen into coma.
But the moment his parts his lips and takes a step forward, the door opens.
With fast movements, Yami covers his skeleton hand with his other hand in front it.

The doctor from earlier enters the room with Mokuba's journal.
"I can't understand how this happened..." he mumbles while he walks closer to the bed while he is staring at the journal.
Kaiba flinches and wipes away his tears while he growls angrily.
He stands up in hurry and drops Mokuba's hand.
"It's be course you are low educated fools who should get fired!" He barks and stares hostility at the doctor who jolts of Kaiba's comment.
"Calm down mister Kaiba... Your brother won't get better of you yelling at someone..." the doctor chuckles nervously.
Kaiba snorts.
"Maybe not... But we wouldn't be here if you've had done your job the last time we were here..."
The doctor drops his jaw and seems being out of words.
His eyes moves to Yami who stays silently by the corner.
The doctor clears his throat and seems as he wants to take back the control of the situation. Being the one in charge.
"We apologize for that and will do our best to make him better...However... Your friend here must leave... Only the closest to Mokuba are allowed to visit during these hours...So..."
Kaiba glances at Yami and back at the doctor.
"Yami is my boyfriend... He stays here..." he snorts and crosses his arms.
The doctor gasps and drops the journal at the floor.
"Y-your B-boyfriend?" The doctor clears his throat blushing while he kneels down to take up the journal.
Kaiba raises an eyebrow.
"Anything against that doc?" Kaiba asks and sound as he is in the mood to pick a fight with him.
The doctor clears his throat and stands up.
" Of course not sir... Then your boyfriend is allowed to stay..." he says and walks over to some machines by Mokuba's bed and is examining them to make sure they are working properly.
Kaiba smirks and feels as he won the fight with the doctor.

When the doctor has left the room, Yami looks asking at Kaiba's back while the brunette sits sighing down at the chair next the bed.
"Kaiba..." Yami says and walks against the bed there kaiba was about to grab Mokuba's hand but flinches of hearing Yami.
"What?!" Kaiba asks and sounds a bit harsh.
Yami jolts a little which make Seto to look ashamed at him.
"Sorry..." he apologies sighing and turns his gaze back to Mokuba's face.
Yami swallows and places a hand on Kaiba's shoulder.
"Do you want to try entering Mokuba's soul-room? Seeing if he is alright?"
Kaiba jolts gasping and looks pleading at Yami.
"Y-...You can do that?!" He asks and seems as he wants to believe that.
Kaiba shifts there he grabs Yami's dark blue shirt and leans against him as Yami is his last hope to save his brother.
Yami nods smiling and holds his millennium puzzle in his skeleton hand.
"My millennium puzzle will help us to enter Mokuba's inner...Don't get too afraid of what you will perhaps see..." Yami warns Kaiba.
Kaiba swallows before he looks determined at Yami with a stern face.
"Let's get it done..."

Kaiba gasps shocked when Yami and he had entered Mokuba's soul.
"Is this?..." he asks surprised and looks around in the hallway build of stone-bricks on the walls, floor and the ceiling.
To the left is a half opened door.
Yami nods.
"Yes... We are inside Mokuba now... His inner room is inside that door to the left... Don't move around the things in his room... Changing something can change his personality..." Yami warns and points against the opened door.
Kaiba nods.
"I understand..."
They start walking to the door there they enter the room who contains toys who look like the monsters from the capsule monster chess Mokuba likes to play. Then there is the photo of Kaiba and Mokuba when they were younger and played chess at the orphanage, the photo stands framed at the night table by the bed.
There are other pictures of Kaiba placed around in the room.
But Seto isn't noticing them since his eyes got drawn to the huge hourglass there Mokuba is inside with sand to his chin.
"MOKUBA!" Seto shouts and runs to the hourglass there Mokuba slowly opens his eyes.
The brunette places his palms at the glass and feels how his heart pounds terrified of the sight.
"S-seto?..." Mokuba groans and looks asking up.
Kaiba grits his teeth and looks asking at Yami.
"WHAT IS THIS? A bad joke?!" Kaiba shouts frustrated and make Yami to jolt.
Yami clears his throat and starts eyeing the hourglass.
Trying to understand the circumstances with Mokuba's health.
He inhales sharply when he sees Seto Kaiba's name at the top of the hourglass, in the part there the sand has almost ran out.
Yami furrows his eyebrows bothered.
"What?" Seto asks since he can see something is off.
Yami looks sadly at Kaiba.
"Do you remember the duel we had to decide your fate? If you will stay dead or get back to life?"
Kaiba flinches inhaling.
"The one there we ended up in tie?"
Yami nods.
"I told you then... I had no idea what the draw would mean for you... But it seems as the consequences of the draw is this... I as the reaper must harvest one soul...And it seems as Mokuba must suffer if you want to stay alive..." Yami explains and gasps when Kaiba grabs his collar harshly.
"I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN! DON'T YOU LIKE MOKUBA?!" Kaiba yells afraid of losing his only brother.
Yami blinks.
"Of course...I-.."
"Then leave him alone!" Kaiba shouts and seems as he is tearing up a little.
Yami glances down at Kaiba's hands who starts trembling.
Yami sighs.
"I have rules to obey... I can't do whatever I want to... It seems as you or Mokuba must sacrifice yourselves for the other..." Yami explains.
"SETO?!" Mokuba gasps surprised of seeing his brother.
Kaiba inhales surprised and turns his face against Mokuba who looks asking around.
"Where am I?!" Mokuba asks and tries moving but can't since he is stuck in the sand.
Kaiba gasps and let's go off Yami.
"MOKUBA!...I'm here...And I will save you..." Kaiba promises and leans against the hourglass.
Mokuba starts tearing up.
"Brother....Help me...I'm afraid..." Mokuba furrows his eyebrows.
Kaiba is breathing heavily as he was thinking about something.
Then he inhales deeply and looks determined into Mokuba's eyes.
"Listen... I will save you no matter the cost...Okay?"
"O-okay..." Mokuba says and moves a little with his head as he tried to nodding.
"Gah..." Mokuba flinches when sand starts pouring over him.
"What's happening?!" The boy asks.
Kaiba gulps.
"When I'm gone... Sell Kaibacorp if it's too much for you to handle..."
Mokuba jolts and looks asking at Kaiba.
"You are allowed to sell the company to that rat; Pegasus if you want... I only wish you to have a simple and good life... You don't have to worry about money... There are more than enough..."
Mokuba inhales sniffing before tears starts falling from his eyes.
Kaiba nods.
"Yes... I will take your place... You weren't meant to have the place from the first place, I-..." Kaiba chuckles silently.
"NO! I don't want to... I can't live without you Seto... I need my brother..." Mokuba shouts crying.
Kaiba smiles gently and sadly at his brother.
"I'm sorry... You and I won't meeting anymore in this life... I love you Mokuba... I promise... In your next life, I will become your father instead... And making sure your next life will only be filled with love and happiness... I won't let anyone harm you there...So... Wait on me... We will meet again...In next life..." Kaiba tells him, and a single tear leaves his eyes.
"B-brother-..." Mokuba cries while Kaiba turns against Yami who had looking at them with shocked look.
"Yami... Save Mokuba and let me take his place..." Kaiba says determined and points at himself with his thumb.
Yami jolts and snickers silently when he nods slowly.
"I see... I will do my very best to grant your wishes..." he smiles while his millennium puzzle starts lighting up.
"Wishes?!" Seto blinks confused.
"DESTINY CHANGES!" Yami shouts and points against the hourglass with his skeleton arm while the eye on his forehead appears.
"SETOOOO DOOON'T..." Mokuba screams.

For a moment everything get white. Then the hourglass had turned upside-down, there Kaiba stands inside the hourglass while sand quickly starts pouring over him, to refill his almost empty side.
Mokuba is laying asleep on the bed.
Yami looks sadly at Kaiba.
"I'm sorry Seto... I promise... I didn't knew this would..." he starts saying with tears in the corners of his eyes.
Kaiba shakes his head.
"Don't think about it.... Just promise me...You will reborn at the same time as me...Then you will find me and remind me; who I am and who you and Mokuba are..." Kaiba begs while the sand already reaches his hips.
Yami wides his eyes while his heart pounds faster.
"PROMISE ME!" Kaiba shouts and coughed when he got a little sand in his mouth.
Yami nods and leans against the hourglass.
"I promise... You and I were, are and will always be connected.... I will never leave your side..."

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